Acts 17 - Paul Preaches in Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens about the Resurrection of Jesus!
Click Here to Read or Listen to Acts 17 In Thessalonica This was an important port city, about 100 miles (160 kilometers) and a three-day walk from Philippi. Modern Thessalonika is still a large, thriving city. - Guzik We see the familiar pattern of Paul going into the local synagogue to teach and preach that Jesus is the Messiah, who suffered, died, and rose from the dead. It is says Paul " reasoned with them from the scriptures ". The role of teachers in the church are to take the scriptures and explain them in a way that makes sense. Paul persuaded and proved to them that Jesus was the Messiah. The teaching and preaching of scripture is persuasive and always proves to be true. The scripture is flawless and when interpreted rightly never fails to achieve what is intended for, the saving of souls. There were also God-fearing Gentiles, who were drawn to the truth in Jesus Christ. But as before, others rounded up the mobs to find Paul and Silas and give them trouble. They th...