Daily Bread 2011 - Hebrews 3

Daily Bread 2011 – Hebrews 3
12 See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. 13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. 14 We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly till the end the confidence we had at first. 15 As has just been said: “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion.”

What Does This Mean?

As the writer of Hebrews reminds the Jewish Christians of all the promises given to their ancestors and how Jesus is the author and perfecter of their salvation, he also reminds them of the consequences of those who turned away from God. He compares Jesus to Moses saying that he was faithful in his calling to serve in God’s house , but Jesus deserves a greater honor because He is the builder of the house.

But as Jesus is the leader of the house (the church), just like the Israelites needed to listen to Moses as the mediator of the covenant God made, they also need to listen to Jesus’ voice who is the mediator of a new covenant. One of the roles we each have in the Church is to encourage each other and as it says “daily”. This is further emphasized as it says as long as it is called, “Today”. Meaning if we are discouraged or falling away from the faith, we need correction and encouragement as soon as possible. Though we have many spiritual blessings in Christ, we need to hold firmly till the end, to enjoy those blessings ultimately in heaven.

What Does This Mean For Us?
Hearing God’s voice can be a difficult thing. As we meet together in smaller groups outside of Sunday worship, we need a place where can be honest about what we feel God is calling us to be and do. Then we need to get encouragement from others and accountability for carrying it out! The road to falling away from our faith can be a slippery slope, and can happen subtly. Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers of this present darkness.

Jesus has already accomplished everything for us on the cross so it is finished, yet we are called to finish the race and run with perseverance. To do that, we will need a few other “comrades” on the road of life. Where, when and how often do you get encouragement in your faith life? Who are the people in your life that know the challenges you face and the temptations as well? Where is God’s voice calling you to step out in faith? Today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts but follow in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Heavenly Father, thank you for all you have done to accomplish all of our salvation. As we fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith give us others who can encourage us daily to stay on the narrow road. In Your name, Amen.


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