Made Holy!!!
Reflection: Hebrews 10:13-16 below summarize the message of Hebrews quite nicely. The annual sacrifice the priests made in the temple could never make us holy. But Jesus came to make the once and for all sacrifice for our sins. And now he sits at the right hand of God. When he comes back he will put his enemies under his feet. We say this when we recite the Creed every week in the worship service. Jesus is at the right hand of the Father and He will come back to judge the living and the dead. Then, the writer quotes Ezekiel 36, the book we are in also in our daily texts, and says that God through the power of the Holy Spirit is now writing the Law on our hearts. That which was external has now become internal. The righteousness of Christ that was once external to us that we could never achieve on our own, has now been imputed to us by faith in Jesus. Then he says something very important, "By the one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy." ...