Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5:1-2

Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount

5 Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2 and he began to teach them.

Reflection: So starts Jesus' famous Sermon on the Mount. In chapter 4, we realized that the three main areas of Jesus' ministry were preaching, teaching and healing. This so called Sermon is the longest discourse of teaching we have from Jesus' ministry. Although he was going to be primarily teaching his disciples, due to the miracles many of the crowds came to listen as well.

Jesus' opening line, which we learned a few chapters back was "repent for the kingdom of heaven was at hand", and now he was going to teach what it would look like the live according to those kingdom values. He will start with the Beatitides, which we will start tomorrow. Each one will start with "blessed are the..." Jesus will describe that living life in the kingdom is the most blessed or joyful way to live. As Jesus said in John 10:10, I have come to bring you life and life abundantly. Life living according to kingdom principles leads to abundance.

Jesus would also have to do some correcting of how the Pharisees taught the Law. Notice Jesus taught near a mountain, and Moses received and dispensed the Law from a mountain. While this was a holy mountain, Mt. Sinai, Jesus was preaching from a common mountain so that all could hear. While the Pharisees tied the heavy burden and yoke of the Law on the Jewish people's backs, Jesus will teach us in Matthew 11 that His yoke is easy and his burden is light.

If you are feeling tremendous burden in following The Lord, I hope this Sermon on the Mount we will be studying the next several days will set you free. In preparation for that do some reflection on how you perceive following Jesus and His commands. Is it burdensome to you or freeing? This will be important for us to think about as we are taught by Jesus how to love in the kingdom in His power.

Jesus free us of the burden of law keeping to see the Spirit of the Law which is to set is free to love you and others as a reflection of your great love for us, Amen.


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