The Narrow and Wide Gate

The Narrow and Wide Gates

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Reflection: Although this is a short passage it packs quite a punch. It begins with a quick and decisive command, "enter through the narrow gate!" Though God chooses us and calls us first to follow Him, we must choose to enter through the narrow gate. And we know that gate is Jesus. As Jesus says in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me." Like the narrow gate, many think this is a narrow road and in some respects it is because it is but one way. This is opposed to the worldly philosophy of "all roads lead to God". There is only one problem with that kind of thinking it is not biblical. Does God love all people? Yes. Has He provided a way for them to be saved? Yes. Is that way His one and only Son? Yes according to the bible.

Of course it is easier to preach a message that all roads lead to God, and certainly is more politically correct. But at the end of the day that message doesn't deal with a basic human problem, we need a Savior. And we need a Savior that doesn't have the same problem as us, sin. And we need a Savior that cared enough about that human problem that He stepped out of the comfort of heaven and became one of us. And when he called His disciples he told them to follow him. And he preached that following him would be a narrow way and at times a difficult way, but one that leads to life and life eternal. And he said, "whoever has the Son, has life but whoever doesn't have the Son does not!"

To some this might be a narrow message, they prefer not to hear. But to others it is the road that leads to life. And we know from this passage that the narrow road might be a lonely one at times. The wide gate offers the comfort and security of a lot more people on it, but in the end leads to destruction. While some might think this harsh, others might say speaking the truth is the most loving thing anyone can do, especially given the consequences of where these two roads might lead.

I know there was a time in my life where I tried to have one foot in one way, and another in the other way. I tried this for a while and then realized the two roads were parting and I would have to make choice. With God's grace and power I chose the one that leads to life and have never looked back. At times I have veered off track a little and needed some course correction for sure? How about you? What road are you on? Have you decided yet? If you are baptized and believe in Jesus, God has chosen you to be His, and now His call is to follow Him on the narrow path that leads to life.

Jesus thank you for calling us to follow you on the narrow way. Thank you that you chose the narrow way that led to the cross so we could be saved from sin and brought to external life. Amen.


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