How Should We Pray Publicly?

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

In this chapter Paul focuses on the importance of public prayer.  And specifically not just praying for others within the body of Christ, but for ALL people.
First, Paul teaches them WHEN to pray. Paul says, "first of all".  Prayer should be a #1 priority in the body of Christ. Praying first shows a dependence on God versus only when we are in trouble.   

Next, Paul describes HOW to pray with different kinds of prayers.  Petitions are when we are asking God for something. It is also called "supplication", where we are asking God to provide for our needs.  "Prayer" probably refers the general idea of communication with God either individually or together.  Intercession is when we intercede specifically for someone in their time of need.  Finally, we pray with an attitude of thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving for God's faithfulness in the past, but also thanksgiving for what God will do in the future through our prayers.  

Finally, Paul tells them WHO to pray for. He starts with "all" people. We can pray for anyone at anytime.  And we should pray for others that God calls to our mind.  We should pray for our enemies and friends alike.  Those who irritate and annoy us, and those we love spending time with.  Then specifically Paul calls them to pray for kings and those in authority.  This generally meant the Roman Emperor and other local Roman authorities.  Though the early church was often oppressed by Rome, Paul wants them to pray anyways.  As Jesus said, "Pray for your enemies and those who persecute you."  

Paul gives us a great model for prayer, and especially how we pray for others evangelistically.  Evangelism is always fueled in the prayer room. We pray for other's hearts to be open to the power of the Holy Spirit, so that when God's Word is spoken to an unbeliever they might receive it with joy and come to faith.  Remember to pray first not last. Remember to pray for ALL people!


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