What Does Generosity Look Like? What About Tithing?

Image result for the widow in the bible

The Widow’s Offering

21 As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. “Truly I tell you,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”
I am often asked the question about tithing.  Do I need to tithe?  Do I tithe on my gross or net income?  What if I am not in a position to tithe?  Tithing is a biblical concept from the Old Testament.  Therefore if you are not sure what to give to your local church tithing is a good place to start.  But the problem with tithing theoretically is that for some tithing might be impossible, unless they add debt which is not biblical either.  For others it is a drop in the bucket and easy to do.  You can see the challenge. The story of the widow gives us another way to approach the subject. 
In the story today we see a widow give a very small amount to temple where it would have been required for her to tithe.  But rather than scolding her for not tithing, Jesus uses her as an example of generosity.  In fact as he compares her to people who have more wealth he says, she has put in all she has, where the wealthy contribute out of an abundance.  What can we learn from this story? 
First, giving it as about trust and generosity.  When you give a portion of your income to God, you are trusting that God's provision for you and your family.  When you trust God over money it is always a sign of your relationship with Him.  Second, generosity is an attitude toward giving and how you view money.  This is confirmed by Jesus when he teaches on the parable of the talents.  Those who had been given more had more expected from them.  Third, your giving to God is a very personal thing.  It is between God and you.  As you pray about what is generous for you, giving is a holy thing.  Just as you give of your time and talents, giving your financial resources is important.  Giving also helps the local church to fund its mission to reach people for Christ.  So you might look at it as you are giving to a kingdom cause which has eternal consequences.  
When we reach heaven we will see how we used our time, talents and treasures to advance God's kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.  The widow trusted God completely and she gave everything she had.  That is radical generosity.  And I would suggest following her example is better than legalistically tithing.  


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