How Can I Put Suffering In Perspective? 2 Corinthians 4

 16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Paul starts with the word "therefore" meaning that in light of everything he has taught so far.  I.e. All of the sufferings he has suffered for the sake of the gospel.  The worst of his suffering and weakness has brought out the power of the gospel.  He knew that he suffered, but he also knew that the Corinthians would suffer too, so he wants to prepare them for how to handle it.  

Paul moves the focus away from what is happening on the outside of our bodies to what is happening on the inside of us.  On the outside Paul might have taken a beating, but on the inside, the Spirit was renewing him and making him stronger and more in sync with the sufferings of Christ.

Then, he says something I believe he spoke "tongue and cheek".  He says he and the other disciples' sufferings were light and momentary.  What does he mean light? 

As you read  the verses which describe Paul's suffering from 2 Corinthians 11, you will see why Paul is downplaying it. Guzik says,

Paul didn’t write as a kindergartner in the school of suffering – he had an advanced graduate degree. He described some of his suffering with these terms in 2 Corinthians 11:23-28:

· Stripes.

· Prisons.

· Beaten.

· Stoned.

· Shipwrecked.

· Perils of waters.

· Robbers.

· In perils of my own countrymen.

· In perils of the Gentiles.

· In perils in the city.

· In perils in the wilderness.

· In perils in the sea.

· In perils among false brethren.

· In weariness and toil.

· In sleeplessness often.

· In hunger and thirst.

· In fastings often.

· In cold and nakedness.

Why does Paul say our affliction is light and not heavy? Because even the worst of it, by the measure of eternity, is but for a moment. This is partially true in the sense that most of our troubles come and go, and “this too shall pass.” It is also true in the sense that even a long life by this world’s standard is nothing on the scale of eternity. Even if one were to live for a hundred years and suffer every day, by the measure of eternity it is but for a moment.

It is very hard for me to see in the moment of my suffering the lightness and temporary nature of it.  When we live in the flesh it is all about what is happening to ME in the moment.  Why me?  Why is God allowing this to happen to me?  

And of course it is understandable when we suffer the hardship of a loss or a loved one, or something similar that it is anything but "light".  But Paul gives us a couple of way to re-frame our minds in regard to our current suffering.  

1. They are renewing us inwardly.  Our spiritual muscles are getting into shape.  As we grow in our inner spirit, we become even more able to handle the trials that come down the road.  Jesus' spirit grew his whole life during his daily trials, so he could endure the suffering of the cross.  

2. They are achieving an eternal glory which far outweights them all.  Since we have no idea what that eternal glory will look like or be like, it is hard to wrap our arms around this statement.  But just for a moment imagine the most beautiful place in the world,and imagine the greatest feeling you have ever had and multiply it by 1,000.  I'm sure this picture in your mind will not even do justice to the eternal glory we will receive when the Lord takes us home.  

3. Keep our focus on what is unseen.  If we were to see the spiritual forces at work when we go into battle, we would realize how much is at stake.  We need to train our minds to think in spiritual terms, not only in worldly terms.  

Paul says, "Don't be unaware of the devil's schemes and be outwitted by him" in chapter two of this verse.  In Ephesians 4 he says, "Our battle is not against flesh and blood by spiritual forces of darkness in the heavenly realms."  Being in God's Word every day helps us to renew our mind to be aware of what the Spirit is doing and how God's word is living and active in our lives.  

Where are you suffering right now?  How does realizing these struggles are light and momentary put them into perspective?  Where can you focus more on what God is doing inside of you in the hardest parts of your life?  Where are you focusing your mind most of the time?  Find a verse related to suffering and put it to memory, so you can recall it when life gets hard.  And remember the eternal glory we will experience in heaven will FAR outweigh all of our struggles in this life  Eternity is a LONG TIME!!


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