Is Christianity Based on Facts? Where is the Proof?
Click Here to Read or Listen to the One Year Bible Readings One of the greatest proofs for the truth of the bible lies within the bible itself. And specifically how the Old Testament predicts the coming of Jesus. What he would look like? How he would be punished? Why he died. How he died. What his death accomplished Today's reading is from Isaiah 52-53, commonly called the "Suffering Servant" passages. They were written 700-800 years before Jesus was born. I have listed the prophecies predicted by Isaiah, and then their fulfiillment, as reported by the gospel writers, and the apostle Paul's letters. These were written about 30-40 years after Jesus' death. Therefore Paul and the apostles could not have written things that were historically untrue, or the Christian faith could have been easily called a hoax. Old Testament Prediction 1. "B ut many were amazed when they saw him. His face was so disfigured he seemed hardly human, and from his appearance, one...