Acts 28 - Paul Goes to Malta and To Rome Preaching the Gospel and Showing the Power of the Kingdom to All Who Would Listen!

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Paul Ashore on Malta

Paul's brief stay on the island of Malta was eventful. First, he got bit by a poisonous snake. But rather than killing him, he shook it off and nothing happened to him. At first, the islanders thought it was a consequence of him being a murderer. The thought the goddess Justice had exacted her sentence. This shows the islanders had spiritual beliefs.  It demonstrates that all people look for meaning to life and for issues like justice for wrongdoing. The questions is where will they find their answer. In worthless gods?  But because Paul was unharmed they thought he too was a god.  

Paul also demonstrated his supernatural power by healing a public official's father, who was sick with dysentery and a fever. This likely would have killed him, but Paul rescued him from death. The official was indebted to Paul and showed him hospitality for three days. Seeing this miraculous healing all those on the island came to be healed and were. 

As you can see, God continued to work miracles through the apostle Paul, which led many to faith. It was also a confirmation to the men with him on the journey. I'm sure many of them wondered why he was going as a prisoner for trial. Remember they had all come to shore too, after Paul miraculously had saved them from the storm. 

When Paul and the others left, they had clearly ingratiated themselves to the people there, and the gospel was established on the island.  They islanders sent them off with supplies for the rest of their journey. It is interesting that as of 2018, 

According to a 2018 survey, the overwhelming majority of the Maltese population adheres to Christianity (95.2%) with Catholicism as the main denomination (93.9%).

Paul’s Arrival at Rome

Three months later, Paul continued his journey to Rome on a new Alexandrian ship. Interestingly it had two twin gods as a figurehead, yet another sign of the religious beliefs in that culture. When they arrived at Puteoli, there were believers there. 

"Known today as Pozzuoli, Puteoli was a harbor city located on the north side of the Gulf of Naples, about five miles (8 km) west of Naples." (

It makes you wonder how they got there? Obviously Christianity had reached these people probably as a result of Pentecost. 

When they reached Rome, it says the brothers and sisters greeted them. We will delve into the book of Romans tomorrow. But it is highly likely Paul had already written his letter to the church in Rome. It appears to be a fairly established church. We see too the favor Paul had gained with the soldiers on board, as he was allowed to stay by himself with minimal supervision. 

It is another example of when the Lord had told Paul there would be "people of peace" in every city he went to. They would provide for and encourage him. Acts 18:10 God provides for us people of peace as we trust in and follow Him! 

Paul Preaches at Rome Under Guard

As we finish this powerful book about the early church at the end of Paul's life, we see Paul fulfilling his goal to preach in Rome. Paul calls a meeting of the local Jewish believers, who come to the house he is saying. Note again the favor God had granted him.  

Paul explained to them that he was brought here on bogus charges that he was somehow preaching against his own people, the Jews. Even the Roman rulers and officails didn't think he was guilty of anything. But needed to try him to keep peace with the Jews in Jerusalem. But this was all part of God's will, as he now has the chance to preach the gospel both to them and the most powerful person in the world Caesar!

The Jewish Christians in Rome had not received any letters or negative reports from people who had come from Judea about Paul. Paul arranged to have them come to where he was staying and they came in large numbers to hear him preach. Again it is pretty amazing how people are now coming to where he was, showing just how much buzz there was surrounding him. 

Paul preached all day and night about how Jesus fulfilled the law of Moses and the prophets predictions about the Messiah. He tried to persuade them about Jesus. Note this is the same thing we do today as we try to reach unbelievers and teach existing believers, who need a fuller understanding of how to share Jesus with others. 

Paul received a mixed reaction, as we do when we preach the gospel boldly and accurately. Paul;s message caused quite a reaction when he quoted from Isaiah how the Jews would be forever hearing, but never understanding for their hearts had become calloused. If they had turned to God, he would have turned to them. Paul noted that it was the Holy Spirit that spoke through the prophets, again highlighting the role of the Holy Spirit. 

It is at this time that Paul made the critical decision to turn his evangelical efforts to the Gentiles. He had preached and taught about Good News of Jesus the Messiah, but many of the Jews had rejected it outright. Note some did believe.  Paul added that this specific plan of salvation would be preached to the Gentiles and they would listen. 

This reminds us that when we preach the Good News some will not see the truth of it. Some will listen others will be closed to the message of salvation.  But are not responsible to convert anyone.  God has other people he will put in our path who will receive it. We can't be discouraged. It is only God through the Holy Spirit who can open people's eyes to the power of the Holy Spirit. 

For two more years, Paul taught from the house, he was staying. The content of his message was the power of the kingdom of God, which had come in the person of Jesus Christ. Note he preached the kingdom and taught about Jesus Christ. This is consistent with the rest of the New Testament. We proclaim the kingdom and in both word and deeds of power, then we teach about what a life looks like following Christ! 

As we finish the book of Acts, we have seen fulfilled what Jesus said to His disciples, "You will do even greater things, because I am going to Father and will send to you the promised Holy Spirit!"- John 14:12

And "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to to the ends of the earth!" Acts 1:8

Here is the most exciting news!  The Holy Spirit is available to us in every way He was to the apostles and early church. In our church we are preaching a five week series ("Help is Here by Max Lucado) on how to learn about and experience the power and work of Holy Spirit is our daily lives. 

Come Holy Spirit and fill our churches, so we can be your witnesses in our community and beyond!  

We start Romans tomorrow!  Woo hoo! 


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