Hebrews 11 - What Does Faith Look Like?
Click Here to Read or Listen to Hebrews 11 In chapter 11, ,the writer changes gears. He has spent a lot of time talking about how Jesus is a superior high priest and has offered a superior sacrifice. Jesus was the once and for all sacrifice, which eliminated the whole sacrificial system. Now the believers could all know God personally because God had written the law on their hearts. But the writer had warned the church for using God's grace in vain. He encouraged them not to go back to their legalistic but to keep on encouraging each other all the more as the Day of the Lord approached. In chapter 11, the author turns to the subject of faith, which was not new to the Israelites. He virtually goes through the whole Old Testament to illustrate the many examples of faith. He starts with Creation, Abel's sacrifice, Enoch's supernatural ascension to heaven, and Noah's faith to the build the Ark. Then, the writer goes through the key patriarchs God made the promises to whic...