Hebrews 11 - What Does Faith Look Like?

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In chapter 11, ,the writer changes gears. He has spent a lot of time talking about how Jesus is a superior high priest and has offered a superior sacrifice. Jesus was the once and for all sacrifice, which eliminated the whole sacrificial system. Now the believers could all know God personally because God had written the law on their hearts. But the writer had warned the church for using God's grace in vain. He encouraged them not to go back to their legalistic but to keep on encouraging each other all the more as the Day of the Lord approached.  

In chapter 11, the author turns to the subject of faith, which was not new to the Israelites. He virtually goes through the whole Old Testament to illustrate the many examples of faith. He starts with Creation, Abel's sacrifice, Enoch's supernatural ascension to heaven, and Noah's faith to the build the Ark. Then, the writer goes through the key patriarchs God made the promises to which would result in the birth of the Messiah.  These are Abraham and Sarah, Issac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses and King David. What did they all have in common? Faith! 

Hebrews 11:1-2 gives what I think is the best definition of faith that I have ever seen.  

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for.

I love the word "confidence" for "faith". Confidence is built when I trust in something and over and over, and it gives me the same result. In relationships, I begin to have confidence in someone when they keep their promises and do what they say they would do. I lose confidence when someone does not fulfill a promise they have made. So when it comes to God, we can have faith in God when he keeps his promises. If God ever went back on a promise he would not be God. 

The only way we can test out God's promises is to step out in faith. Stepping out in faith means I take an action based on my trust in God's promise to provide what I need. All of the Old Testament examples of faith were where people stepped out and trusted God in radical ways. Noah built a boat when it wasn't raining. God promised Abraham a land where he would have many descendants, while his 90 year old wife still hadn't even given him one child yet. Once Abraham's faith was finally rewarded with a son, God asked him to be willing to sacrifice him. In faith Abraham trusted that God would provide the lamb, which God did, a foreshadowing of the Lamb of God, who would take away the sins of the world. Moses trusted God to part the Red Sea. David trusted that he could slay a giant with a few smooth stones.

But the difference between all of these Old Testament heroes of faith and the Hebrews was that they were looking forward to a promise God had given them. The Hebrews he was writing to were a people who had already seen the promises of God fulfilled in Jesus the Messiah. 

39 These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, 40 since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.

The author of Hebrews also points another important aspect of faith, which is faith expressed through action. 

6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

Though faith doesn't save us, it doesn't mean we are not called to exercise it. When we step out in faith, we are showing that we trust God. This is why it is pleasing to God. Acting in faith pleases God because it shows we trust Him enough to act on it. Faith is a relational word. Faith is trusting in the One in whom you believe. 

The passage also says that God rewards those who seek Him by faith. Again, we get nervous about God handing out rewards, but faith is rewarded when God provides for us. We are rewarded with a renewed relationship with God. When we walk in faith we are rewarded with a  clean conscience. I can't think of a better feeling than knowing I am pleasing God. 

What is your confidence level with God? As you look back on your life, how often has God fulfilled the promises He made to you? Note this doesn't mean we don't go through hard times, but God's promises are ESPECIALLY trustworthy during hard times. During our trials our faith is tested the most. Therefore, we might say God is most pleased with us when we trust in Him even when life's circumstances might tempt us to doubt his love and care for us. 

Where do you need to step out in faith being confident God will provide and be pleased with you? 


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