Luke 2 - Was Anna the Prophet the First Women Preacher?

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The Birth of Jesus 

Caesar Augustus took a census of the whole Roman empire, so that Rome would be getting the correct amount of taxes from everyone. Note this is a real, historical story not a fable. Luke is recounting actual events happening in the world concurrent with Jesus being born. 

The registration and census described wasn’t for simple record-keeping or statistics. It was to efficiently and effectively tax everyone in the Roman Empire. - Guzik

In this way, Augustus softened the blow for many. They had to travel, they had to pay taxes – but they would also gather together with family and see relatives that they perhaps had not seen for a long time.- Guzik

Though Joseph and Mary were from Nazareth, they went to Bethlehem for the census because Joseph came from the line of David. Bethlehem was called the "city of David". Mary was expecting a child, and while they were there Mary gave birth to Jesus, but since there was no room at the inn, she wrapped him cloths and put him a manger, which we know was a feeding trough for animals. Quite a humble beginning for the one who will one day come back in great power to judge the living and the dead. 

The trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem (just outside of Jerusalem) is about 80 miles. This was not a short distance in those days. It was a significant undertaking, costing time and money. - Guzik 

This happened in a public place, with other travelers and residents. “Men were trafficking, and little children playing, and women gossiping beside the well – and lo! The kingdom of heaven was among them.” (Morrison)

“That there was no room in the inn was symbolic of what was to happen to Jesus. The only place where there was room for him was on a cross.” (Barclay)

Shepherds in the field received a message from an angel while a great and glorious light shone around him. Once again we see the important role angels played in the birth of Jesus. Once again in the presence of these angels the shepherds were "terrified" with a holy awe. 

Importantly the message was that they should not be afraid, because they were bringing them "good news of great joy!" Today in the town of David, which had been prophesied, a Savior had been born, who was the Messiah. Isn't it interesting that the greatest news of all history is delivered not to kings and queens, but to lowly shepherds out watching their flocks by night. Later Jesus would be called the "Good Shepherd", who laid down his life for his sheep. 

“The first preacher of the gospel was an angel. God hath now taken this honour from the angels, and put it upon the ministers, who in Scripture are called angels, Revelation 2:1.” (Trapp)

After the single angel’s announcement, a whole group of angels appeared. This was a heavenly host (a band of soldiers) that proclaimed peace. The world needed then and needs now peace. - Guzik

The shepherds responded with excitement and in faith to go check out if the news the angel had told them was true. Our hope is when people here the Good News in church, they would want to go and check out if it is true. This is the truest form of preaching, which is proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

And their faith became sight, as they found Mary with Jesus lying in a manger, just as the angel had said to them. Now it was time for them to spread the good news, as they went to Bethlehem to tell everyone what had happened. 

“It is a lovely thought that the shepherds who looked after the Temple lambs were the first to see the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” (Barclay)

 The shepherd’s good news amazed all who heard it. Even if they didn’t really understand it, they recognized that something significant had happened. (Guzik)

For Mary it was a confirmation of all the things the angels had said. She pondered them in her heart with great joy. According to the Law, they circumcised the baby on the 8th day, and named him Jesus just as the angel had told them. Circumcision for Jewish boys was a sign of the covenant God made with Abraham. The Old Testament covenant was now fulfilled in Jesus, though Mary and Joseph still circumcised him because it was the right thing to do. 

This was done so Jesus might fulfill every aspect of the law (as commanded in Leviticus 12:2-3). It also shows that Joseph and Mary were truly devout, obedient parents. They obeyed God’s command in Leviticus 12, so Jesus obeyed it also.

Jesus Presented in the Temple

Another Jewish law was that firstborn males were to undergo the purification rites, as prescribed in the Mosaic Law. They were also offer a sacrifice of doves or pigeons. 

Leviticus 12 commands that at the birth of a son a lamb be offered as part of the purification and dedication ceremony. Yet it allowed for two birds to be offered if the family could not afford to present a lamb. Guzik

We meet Simeon, who was a righteous man waiting for the consolation of Israel. I.e. He was waiting for the Messiah. Remember how we said Luke emphasized the power of the Holy Spirit. Look at the activity of the Holy Spirit with Simeon. 

1. The Holy Spirit was on Simeon. Verse 25

2. The Holy Spirit revealed to him he would not die until he had seen the Messiah. Verse 26

3. Moved by the Spirit he went into the temple and when Mary and Joseph brought in Jesus, he took him into his arms and praised God. Verse 27

“Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.”

Note Simeon says Jesus will be a light and revelation to the Gentiles. This confirms the Holy Spirit was speaking through him because not many Jewish men in the temple could have imagined saying something like that. 

The amazing thing about Simeon’s prophecy is that it shows that this light is for the Gentiles also. The salvation of Jesus began with Israel but was always to be extended beyond Israel. - Guzik

Though Simeon's words were filled with great joy, he also said these words to his mother, Mary, 

“This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.”

Amidst the joyful night this must have been hard for Mary to hear. 

There was also a widow, whose name Anna, who was a prophetess. She was 84 years old. She had been in the temple worshipping and fasting for many years. She came up to Jesus at that moment, gave thanks to God for answering her prayers, and then shared her fulfilled hope with others who were hoping for the same thing, the redemption of Jerusalem. 

We don’t know in what capacity Anna was a prophetess. Perhaps it was in the way that she brought forth this specific word about Jesus. - Guzik

I believe this is an argument for women in ministry who proclaim God's Word. A prophet is literally someone who speaks God word. For her to be called a prophet would mean that she had some role of delivering the word in the temple. Isn't this what a woman preacher does? The other instances in the early church where women took on leadership roles in Acts, like Lydia, the purple cloth dealer whose house the Philippians met in. 

After this Mary and Joseph returned to their hometown of Nazareth. We don't know a lot about his childhood, but Luke adds this comment, 

And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.

The Boy Jesus at the Temple

One year after their annual trek to Jerusalem for the Passover, when Mary and Joseph left to go home, somehow lost track of Jesus, who was now 12 years old. This might seem very odd, but usually families traveled together in larger groups, so it might have been easy for Mary and Joseph to lose track of him. 

But remarkably after a three day search, they found him in the temple. I guess it was the last place they thought to look. He was not only in the temple, but at 12 he was listening to the elders and asking them intelligent questions. Apparently he wasn't only asking questions but giving answers too. All the people were amazed but mom was none to happy with him. 

His mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.” 

Though we know Jesus was always obedient to his parents he had this to say, 

Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” 50 But they did not understand what he was saying to them.

I don't think Jesus was being rude with them, he was merely starting to prepare them for his true purpose. Though it says Mary did not understand this at first, in the next verses after they went back to Nazareth it says this about Mary, 

"But his mother treasured all these things in her heart."

Mary was beginning to understand the true nature of her Son, and it made her glad. She knew from the beginning that God had something special for him, and she was beginning to see what it was. 

And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.

Jesus grew in every way. Physically, spiritually, intellectually, and relationally. He was fully a man, so he went through the same maturation process as any young man would.  Being fully God, the world had never ever seen anything like him. 

Jesus was not born a superman. He developed as He grew. “He passed through a natural but perfect spiritual and physical development. At every stage He was perfect for that stage.” (Geldenhuys)


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