John 20 - "Stop Doubting and Believe!" - Jesus

Click Here to Read Or Listen to John 20 

The Empty Tomb

It is interesting that Mary Magdalene is the first person to run to the empty tomb and not one of the disciples. When she finds the tomb is empty, she runs to tell Peter. She does not conclude that Jesus had risen from the dead, but that someone had stolen the body. 

When Peter and presumably John (aka the other disciple) hear about it, they both run to the tomb. Apparently John was faster on his feet, because he beat Peter the tomb. But, he did not go into the tomb. Peter didn't hesitate to go into the tomb to check out what had happened in keeping with his personality. Peter saw both the cloths of linen they covered his body with and the cloth which they wrapped around Jesus head. Curiously they were neatly separated. 

This is one of the things that seems to go against the explanation that someone stole the body out of the tomb. They likely wouldn't have stayed around long enough to leave these two things so neatly organized. Finally, John came back in and he, "saw and believed". For John the empty tomb was enough evidence that Jesus had risen from the dead just like he had said he would. Peter wasn't quite there yet. 

Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene 

Apparently Mary had stayed behind, and as she stood at the tomb, she was still crying. She finally looked into the tomb and saw two angels sitting there. They asked her why she was crying. While she was pondering all of this, Jesus stood beside her. For whatever reason she mistook him for the gardener. It's hard to know why, since she was so close to him. She was probably in such heavy grief she was not seeing straight. 

Then Jesus called out to her using her name, "Mary". Mary must have recognized the way he called her name because cried out, "Rabbouni", which means teacher. 

Jesus calls us all by name. Like Mary, he knows us better than we even know ourselves. Though some may not recognize Jesus when he calls their name, one day they will hopefully realize the love he has for them. Imagine putting yourself in Mary's shoes and picture Jesus calling out to you and using your name!

Jesus Appears to His Disciples

Later that day, Jesus also appeared to the other disciples, who were locked behind closed doors for fear of the Jews. Jesus' first words were peace be with you. When he showed the disciples his hands and feet they realized it was him. 

In our church we have a time in the service where we "pass the peace". We say to one another, "Peace be with you!" And, the other person says, "And, also with you!" This is a way we remember that the resurrected Christ is in our presence as well. 

Jesus then sent them by breathing on them and telling them to "receive the Holy Spirit". He gave them the authority to forgive the sins of any, but also to retain sins as well. 

This represents a very challenging text. After all, we are only forgiven through Christ's death on the cross not a mere human being. This text is part of what the Catholic church uses as the sense in which the Church can pronounce the forgiveness of sin or withhold it. 

Here are some good commentaries on this issue. 

This lays down the duty of the church to proclaim forgiveness to the repentant believer, and the duty of the church to warn the unbeliever that they are in danger of forfeiting the mercy of God. We don’t create the forgiveness or deny it; we announce it according to God’s word and the wisdom of the Spirit. (Guzik)

“The Church collectively declares the conditions on which sins are remitted, and with the plenary powers of an ambassador pronounces their remission or their retention.” (Trench)

“He is saying that the Spirit-filled church has the authority to declare which are the sins that are forgiven and which are the sins that are retained. This accords with the Rabbinical reaching which spoke of certain sins as ‘bound’ and others as ‘loosed’.” (Morris)

Jesus Appears to Thomas

Thomas was not with the other disciples when Jesus visited them. He was the skeptic in the group and said that he would not believe unless he put his hands in the wounds on his hands and his side. You would think Jesus would see that as "putting him to the test", rather than just believing. 

But, a week later Jesus came in the same way through locked doors and again said, "Peace be with you!" He already knew of Thomas' doubts and conditions, so he told him to put his fingers in his hands and his hand in his side. Then most importantly he said to Thomas, 

"Stop doubting and believe!"

When Thomas did this he exclaimed, "My Lord and My God!" Jesus gave Thomas the proof he needed to believe. He met Thomas where he was at rather than scolding him for having to have this test met. But he did end by saying, 

“Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

John closes this book (though chapter 21 is added later) by saying, 

"But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name."

The main purpose of the bible is to lead us to Christ! 



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