Godless Chatter!
Reflection: As Paul continues to exhorts young Timothy, he reminds him to be careful of those who indulge in godless chatter. In this case it was those who were speculating about theological concepts in an unhealthy way. Some were teaching that the resurrection had already taken place and they were living in the millenial reign of Christ. It got so bad some were departing from the faith. As we have said before a good heresy can look a lot like the truth but distorts it. In our Creed,we say things like "Jesus will come back to judge the living and the dead." It is interesting that one of arms of the liberal Protestant movement that many felt undermined the authority of the bible was that were we living in the millenial reign of Christ, and that things would continue to get better. This is the same movement that wanted to explain away miracles since they didn't seem rational. It turns out that the enlightenment movement was not so enlightened about some things, includi...