Little Children - Matthew 19

The Little Children and Jesus

13 Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them.

14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 15 When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.

Reflection: This is now the second time in two chapters Jesus has uplifted the value of small children. Notice the people come to Jesus and ask for him to place hands on them and pray for them. We don't know if this is because they are sick but more likely they just want him to give them a blessing. There is precedence in the Old Testament for laying on of hands I.e. Issac and his sons Jacob and Issac. Remember Jacob's classic line, "I will not let you go unless you bless me!!"

Notice Jesus wants us to come to him for blessing. But the disciples rebuked them, perhaps because they thought it was below him to be worried about children, or perhaps they thought he was too busy, and they needed to manage His schedule. Whatever the case Jesus sets them straight and says, "Do not hinder them from coming to me for such belongs the kingdom." So not only does Jesus validate their coming with their children to him, but he says to such belongs the kingdom. Meaning there is nothing more important in moving the kingdom, then bringing kids to Jesus and having them bless their lives.

In our church one of the ways we try to practically implement Jesus' command is called milestone ministry, where at each age, at special times, parents being their kids to the altar for ceremonies like baptism, first bible and first communion. This reminds the parents of the promises they made at their child's baptism to bring them to God's house and provide for their instruction in the Christian faith. One of the most important partnerships in the church is between parents and the children and youth ministries, as we partner to raise children who learn how to be a Christ follower and remain in the church after graduation from high school. Stats tells us that 50% of our kids leave the church after high school. Our church is part of a movement called "Sticky Faith" which seeks to reverse this trend.

See their website for more info.

Bottom line is one of the areas of greatest impact we can have as believers is to pass on a living, vital faith to the next generation. Young people are longing for adults who model an authentic relationship with Jesus, and are actually interested in them and their lives. This is a great opportunity for us as churches to stop the bleeding and stand in the gap. Remember what Jesus said, "to such belongs the kingdom". Make sure you are part of what God wants to do in bringing the kingdom to the next generation no matter what age you are or whether you have kids or not.

Jesus you welcomed little kids in your kingdom and told us not to hinder them as well. Give us a heart and passion to reach the next generation and pass on a living and life changing faith to them. Amen.


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