Mark 7 How Tradition Can Get in the Way!

So the Pharisees and teachers of the law asked Jesus, “Why don’t your disciples live according to the tradition of the elders instead of eating their food with defiled hands?” He replied, “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written: “‘These people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain their teachings are merely human rules.’
Jesus continues to deal with the obstinancy of the Pharisees.  In this case, they cite a tradition that was not in scripture but was passed down by the rabbis.  Though priests were required to wash their hands before they went to perform their duties in the tabernacle according to Exodus 30, they added this additional cleansing for everyday, ordinary meals.  Here is what commentator says about this custom instituted by men, 
"The biblical mandate that the priests had to wash their hands and feet prior to entering the Tabernacle (Exodus 30:19; 40:12) provided the foundation for the wide-spread practice of ritual washings in Palestinian and diaspora Judaism.” (Lane) These washings were commanded by tradition, not by Scripture. The religious eaders knew this, yet they still criticized the disciples for not obeying these traditions."
While church tradition is important is should NEVER trump scripture. The problem with human tradition is that those who created the tradition can become prideful about it.  The Pharisees' irritation with Jesus is partly because they are offended he isn't honoring THEIR traditions.  But Jesus' teaching was not focused on how many times you washed your hands before you ate, but was your heart clean.   
This was a fulfillment of Isaiah's prophesy that the leaders would honor God with their lips but yet their hearts were far from him.  Clearly what Jesus was after was sincerity and genuineness in worship not lip service.  He did not care about how they worshipped, but why they did. Was their motivation to honor and glorify God, or go through the motions to look "super religious".  
It is easy for any church, any Christian, to get caught up in rituals versus a real relationship with God.  If you think about it in relational terms, would you rather have someone speak to you in rote, or truly share with you what they were thinking and feeling.  Why would God be any different?  God desires us not anything else. 



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