Luke 4 Jesus Confronts the Devil in the Wilderness!

40 At sunset, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying his hands on each one, he healed them.41 Moreover, demons came out of many people, shouting, “You are the Son of God!” But he rebuked them and would not allow them to speak,because they knew he was the Messiah.

To Read the Rest of Luke 4 Click Here!

In Luke 4, as Jesus begins his public ministry full of the Holy Spirit, we see he is met by the devil who tries to lead him into temptation.  The devil uses various tactics all designed for Jesus to turn from trusting in His father to trusting in him. In each case Jesus used the Word of God to call the devil's bluff.  Jesus defeats the devil in this battle, but the passage says that the devil left him and waited for an opportune time to tempt him again.  This was not the last Jesus would see of the tempter. 

Then Jesus confronts various demons in various ways and casts them out of people.  One demon says to him, "Jesus of Nazareth what do you want with us? Do you want to destroy us. I know who you are - the holy One of God."

In the passage above Jesus healed various kinds of sicknesses, laid hands on people, and drove many more demons came out of people.  Some shouted, "I know who you are the holy One of God".  Jesus rebuked them and would not allow them to speak.  

The demons recognized Jesus' authority and power and had no choice to submit to him.  His ability to heal people from sickness and deliver them from demons (spiritual sickness) were signs that he was the Son of God.  And yet, the people in his hometown rejected him. Jesus read from the scroll the Messianic prophecy in Isaiah 61 saying, "The Spirit is upon me and anointed me to bring Good News to the poor, set the prisoners free, and recovery of sight for the blind."  And then he said, "Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing."

As we seek to proclaim the Good News proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah, we can bet the devil will try and dissuade us as well.  The devil will lead us into temptation to try and get us to trust in the things of the world instead of God.  The devil will try to get us to be prideful and prove ourselves by testing God.  But like Jesus we have the Word of God.  We have the power of the Holy Spirit overcome the power of the devil.  We only need to speak one word from God and the devil will flee.  Like the devil knew who Jesus was, he sees Jesus in us and knows he cannot win.  

When you are tempted use the power and the authority Jesus has given you and rebuke him and he will leave.  We will be in this spiritual battle because we still have a sinful nature and because the devil still wants to lead us into tempation.  Though he may win a battle or two, he will never win the war.  Jesus defeated him once and for all on the cross and disarmed him. One day he will be defeated forever and face eternal judgment and suffering. 

So though we need to be aware of the devil and his schemes we never have to be afraid of him or cower under his tactics. Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world!


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