Luke 21 - How to Get Ready for Jesus' Return?

32 “Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. 33 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. 34 “Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap. 35 For it will come on all those who live on the face of the whole earth. 36 Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.”
As the disciples are admiring the beautiful stones on the temple, Jesus uses it as an opportunity to teach them one of the signs of his second coming.  A mere 40 years later the temple would be destroyed by foreign invaders, and many thought this was the sign that the end times were upon them.  Throughout the ages there have been many who have thought the end times were upon them as well.  Some cite false teachers who came and claimed to be and the messiah. Others talk about the downfall of Jerusalem and the troubles in the Middle East over the years between Israel and its neighbors. Still others talk about the gross immorality they see everywhere, and how God's name has been removed from culture.  Usually we only her his name is used in public as part of a "swear word".  Finally, many point to the persecution and death of Christian martyrs as a sign that the end is near.  
These are all valid points and match some of what Jesus is saying here as signs of the end times.  When he talks about the desolation of the "temple", he is literally talking about the temple he was looking at. But by application he would later teach the new temple which he pointed to was his body.  One thing for sure, the old temple which was a symbol of God's presence was passing away, and the new temple would be filled with the Spirit of Jesus, and would be called the "body of Christ".
Finally, at the end of the chapter Jesus gives some warnings to the disciples.  His main warning is not to get too caught up in the world, as characterized by drunkenness, carousing and the anxieties of life.  As one pastor said to me, "Always keep one eye on eternity".  So how can you be ready for Jesus to return?  I think the most important thing is to do what he has told you to do. 
What is that?  Using your gifts to serve him in the church to help bring people to Christ.  Live as a disciple emulating the way Jesus lived in the power of the Holy Spirit.  To love all people in the same way Jesus loved you, as he gave his life for you which we remember on Good Friday.  The bottom line is that if you are following Jesus and doing the things he made clear for you to do, you never have to worry.  In fact because of Jesus' death and resurrection we are assured of eternal life it is not based on what we do.  But Jesus today still calls us to be ready for his return anytime.  Are you ready for Him to return today?  If yes, keep on going and keep your eye on the prize that is reserved for you in heaven.  If not, Jesus loves you and you are forgiven but turn from the things that are keeping you from following him.  He will help you to do the things he has called you to do.  And besides it will make your life a lot more fulfilling! Remember Jesus came to give you life and life abundantly.  
May we pause today to remember his death for us on Good Friday, as we prepare our hearts for Easter Morning!  Jesus' rising from the dead proved once and for all He was the Son of God.  And he promised as the Son of God he would come again in great and promised glory and bring his brothers and sisters with him to be in heaven forever!  Amen!       


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