Jesus Really Was a Real Person!

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2 John 7-11 I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. Watch out that you do not lose what we[a] have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully.Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christdoes not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them. 11 Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work.

Most everyone agrees that the letter of 2 John is written by the apostle John.  It reflects similar themes as 1 John, and is almost identical to the short letter right after it, 3 John.  The main heresy, or false teaching he is confronting is the teaching that Jesus did not really come in the flesh.  This was a heresy called "docetism". It said Jesus only "appeared" to be a real, human being.  This false teaching developed more fully later. The Jewish believers wanted to hold on to monotheism, or that God is only one person so this was a particular stumbling block for them.  For a Jew, for God to become a human violated the very nature of God as completely holy. But without Jesus becoming human we have no Savior.  If Jesus did not really die, he did not really rise from the dead.  And we are left with no gospel or salvation for our sins.  

John goes as far to say that anybody who teaches this false doctrine is "an antichrist".  I don't think he is referring to "the antichrist", as in the one who will come at the end of time.  But it is any person teaching in a spirit that is not of God.  This is a spirit denies that Jesus is really human. It "anti-christ" in the sense that it denies that Jesus was the Messiah, the fulfillment of all the prophecies.  

This may seem like "splitting hairs" theologically, but it comes into play in many discussions today.  For instance, most people who would say they are religious, generally believe in Jesus.  They have no problem saying Jesus was a good person or good teacher, but they would not say Jesus is God!  If Jesus is God then Christianity is the one true religion and by nature all other religions who deny Jesus is the only Son of God are false.  

How is this relevant today? There are all kinds of teachers and churches today teaching that same false doctrines John is confronting today.  It may look a little different, but anyone who is not teaching Jesus was literally born, literally died, and he literally rose from the dead is not representing the true orthodox, Christian faith. This is the same faith that has been taught for the past 20 centuries and re-affirmed by many councils and affirmations throughout the church's history.  This is why the apostle Paul says to Timothy, "Watch your life and doctrine closely."  One way Satan tempts Christians is with bad behavior, and another way is bad teaching. If he can't get someone to deny Jesus, maybe they will just misunderstand him.   

Finally, if Jesus really came to the earth as a human, it means there is nothing you could go through that he has not experienced.  He experienced suffering, temptation, and separation from His Father on the cross.  So you can know Jesus is always near you, and will always enter into your suffering with grace and compassion.  As we celebrate during this Christmas season, Jesus is "Immanuel, God with us!"


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