Is There A LIttle Judas in All of Us?

Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus

14 Then one of the Twelve—the one called Judas Iscariot—went to the chief priests 15 and asked, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver him over to you?” So they counted out for him thirty pieces of silver.16 From then on Judas watched for an opportunity to hand him over.
We rarely talk about Judas other than referring to him as a traitor, or a scoundrel.  Of course he was all that and not a very good friend, but I wonder if there is not a little bit of Judas in all of us.  Okay you might stop reading now and say, "Not me how dare you compare me to him".  I understand that reaction, as betraying the only Son of God is a serious matter. It is not exactly  a good place to find yourself in the annals of history. 
One of the more incriminating pieces of evidence that make us want to demonize Judas is the small amount of money he took to be willing to "sell out" his friend Jesus.  Thirty pieces of silver would be worth approximately $600 today.  Not a very big price for betraying the Son of God.  And we remember after Judas realized what he had done, he went out and hung himself.  We wonder why Jesus would have picked such a man to be part of his circle of 12 disciples. Apparently it was part of the plan all along for one of his own to betray him.
My question today is at what price would we be willing to sell out Jesus?  When do we get more interested in what's in it for us, than being loyal to our Lord and Savior?  When does it become more important what I get from Jesus than I am willing give to him?  Before we throw Judas under the bus, didn't Peter also deny Jesus three times when his neck was on the line?  Fortunately Peter didn't do what Judas did, and Jesus restored him to be the chief apostle of the church.  Fortunately Jesus restores us when we betray him for an amount even less than thirty pieces of silver.   Like Peter even when we have denied Jesus many times, he gives us a chance to proclaim him.  


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