What Does It Mean to Have FAITH?

Romans 4:13 It was not through the law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith. 14 For if those who depend on the law are heirs, faith means nothing and the promise is worthless, 15 because the law brings wrath. And where there is no law there is no transgression.

In chapter 4 Paul continues to talk about the righteousness that comes by faith.  We described the word "righteousness" as having a "right relationship with God".  Since we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, we need a righteousness comes from outside of us. We obtain this alien righteousness through Jesus' by faith.  

In today's chapter Paul recounts the faith of Father Abraham.  Since Romans is written to many Jewish Christians, Paul wants to make it clear that the faith of Abraham is the same faith they were given.  In what sense?  Abraham believed in God's promises and acted on them in faith.  The famous verse describing Abraham's faith is in Genesis 15:6, "Abram believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness." Meaning Abraham trusted in a righteousness outside of him.  When it says "credited" it means for instance if you owed a debt, and someone on the outside credited your account to balance it.  

In the verses above, Paul uses the logic that if righteousness could be obtained through observing the Law, then faith means nothing and the promise is worthless. Why?  Because faith is "trusting in God's promises". It is relational in nature.  Our faith is in a person, Jesus Christ.  We trust in the promises God has given to us through Jesus, and if we believe in him we will have eternal life.  If we believed we could earn our way into heaven, we would have no need for Christ, or faith.  The Law says it you do this then you will get this.  If you obey the law you will blessed, if you do not you will be cursed. For more on this read Deuteronomy 28:1 for the blessing part, and Deuteronomy 28:15 for the cursing part.  

But the Law then plays an important role. Without the Law we would not know or see our need for Christ.  The Law reveals we are not righteousness because we do not obey God all the time.  Verse 15 says, "When there is no Law there is no transgression." The Law shows us we need a Savior.  So what does this mean for us today?

It means that God is interested foremost in a relationship with you.  He wants you to trust him.  By trying to earn our salvation it is almost a slap in the face to God.  It is like thanks for sending Jesus to justify me, but no thanks I will be doing this on my own.  Think about it if you are a parent.  The greatest respect a child can give you is trust in your guidance and by doing what you have asked them to do.  Why?  Because it shows their trust in you, and their willingness to act on the promises you have given them.  Though your love isn't based on whether they obey you or not, their relationship grows with you by faith.  

Though we are given faith as a gift, it is a journey where we learn to trust God at all times.  Even when we are going through hard times our relationship with God can grow stronger.  Why? Because we have to trust him all the more when we have no other place to turn.  

Where do you need to trust in God by faith? How do you think it will make your relationship with God if you leave the outcome of what you are struggling with him?  If you don't trust God with this situation how else will you get through it?


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