What Are You Filled With?

Image result for be filled with the holy spirit
Ephesians 5:18-20 "Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, 19 speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, 20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This whole chapter is devoted to how Christians should live.  Paul contrasts the way of life in the world with a believer's way of life.  One of the sins Paul focuses on is sexual immorality.  Because Ephesus was a major city on an important trade route, sexual immorality abounded just as in Corinth.  Those who came to Christ were faced with a decision to leave this lifestyle behind and live as a child of the light.  It is really not all too different today.

Close behind a sexually immoral lifestyle is a life of drunkenness and debauchery (think wild and reckless living).  Paul is not condemning alcohol categorically, but the use of alcohol in a manner that expresses itself in all kinds of ways unbecoming for a Christian often including sexual immorality.  But Paul teaches that there is a much better alternative.

He says "instead" be "filled with the Spirit".  There are two important aspects of this verse.  First, "be filled" is passive. Meaning we can't manufacture a filling of the Holy Spirit but it is given to us.  The Holy Spirit is already present in the life of a believer, but like drunknenness is a choice, so is being filled with the Spirit.  Secondly it is in an imperative form, meaning it is not optional.  Living a Spirit filled life for a Christian is not optional.  Paul said in Galatians as we live by the Spirit we don't HAVE to gratify the desires of the flesh.    

Think of the consequences of these two behaviors.  Getting drunk leads to depression of our feelings, a lack of self control, bad decision making often with consequences, and a hangover the next day.  Being filled with the Holy Spirit leads to an excitement of the senses, an ability to have self control, expert guidance, and feeling great the next day not useless.

I am not speaking of abstinence per se, but looking at the motivation for drinking.  If our motivation for drinking is to numb ourselves, avoid reality and generally drink away our problems, it is probably not a great reason to do it. 

The power of the Holy Spirit working in and through one's life is better than anything the world can offer.  Unfortunately we seek it far too little.  Once you have tasted of the Spirit, you will want more. But if we "quench" the Spirit will experience very little if any of the Spirit's power. Remember the Holy Spirit is a person of the Trinity, which is why we say, "Come Holy Spirit".  Take time to be filled with the Holy Spirit today.        


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