Who is the Greatest - Matthew 11

Image result for greater is than the least in the kingdom
"Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he."  Matthew 11:11

This is a challenging verse.  After all Jesus had plenty of good things to say about John the Baptist.  John's greatness came from his unique place in history.  Here are some of John's great attributes:

  1. John introduced the world to Jesus
  2. John baptized Jesus.
  3. He preached unflinchly about the kingdom of God.  He preached for people to repent and be baptized. 
  4. He was a prophet that broke of a 430 year period silence, where God had not spoken through anyone.  
  5. Every other prophet said the Messiah was coming, John said he is here. 
So despite all of these accolades and the important role John played, Jesus says the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John.  Jesus is not talking qualitatively better but relatively better.  The difference is Jesus was the fulfillment of the new covenant John came to bring in.  John ministered under the old covenant and Jesus initiated a new covenant.  John lived under the dispensation of the Law.  Most importantly though John was empowered by the Spirit, he had not received the Spirit in the same way the disciples would on the day of Pentecost.  

The difference in the disciples before and after they received the gift of the Holy Spirit is stark.  Before he sent them His Spirit, they were fragile and fearful.  Though they loved Jesus, they had no power to carry out what he needed them to do.  In the power of the Spirit they preached and performed signs and miracles to show that the kingdom was now being realized on earth. 

Though you may be least in the kingdom of heaven you have entered the new covenant God has made with his people through Jesus Christ.  As we have received these great promises from Christ let us honor him by living a life empowered by the Holy Spirit helping usher in God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. 


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