A Disciple of Jesus is NOT just someone who LEARNS, but someone who DOES! Matthew 9:35-38

The Workers Are Few

Up to this time, Jesus had spent most of his time doing ministry and showing the power of the kingdom of God through signs and wonders.  In the next chapters in Matthew, he is going to begin to equip the disciples for the work of ministry to do the same things that he has done. Jesus could only do so much as ONE man.  The only way he could impact the WHOLE world was by training his disciples for ministry.  

35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 

You may not notice this but these words are the exact same as in Matthew 4:23 where it says,

"Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people."

This is called an "inclusio".  An "inclusio" is, "a literary device based on a concentric principle, also known as bracketing or an envelope structure, which consists of creating a frame by placing similar material at the beginning and end of a section." (wikipedia)

So basically 4:23 and 9:35 are book ends and frame the time of Jesus' public ministry, as he now moves toward training the disciples for when he will eventually leave.  In every church there should always be training going on so that part of being a disciple means being trained to do ministry.  A disciple is not just someone who "learns", but also someone who "does".  

Note Jesus focused on three main activities.

1. He taught.  He taught the Jews how the Old Testament translated into the New Testament.  He taught how he fulfilled the Old Testament scriptures.  He taught what it meant to follow him.  

2. He proclaimed the Good News of the Kingdom.  The term "proclaimed" is the same word for "preached".  It also means to "announce" or "broadcast publicly".  The coming of God's kingdom through Jesus and his ministry was Good News because it brought in God's rule or reign.  I.e. How life and the world would be like if God were in charge of all that had happened.  Importantly though Jesus preached through him one could have access to the power of God.  In chapter 10, we will see the disciples moving out in the same kingdom power as Jesus operated in. 

3. He healed every disease and sickness.  Disease and sickness were not part of God's original plan for humankind.  They came in through the fall.  Paul says in Romans 6:23, "The wages of sin is death."  But when God's kingdom comes there will be no more sickness or disease.  Note there is no sickness or disease greater than the power of the kingdom.  

36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

When Jesus saw the crowds, he felt more than sorry for them.  The word "compassion" used here has an intensity of emotion we don't pick up in the English translation. 

The word which is used for moved with compassion (splagchnistheis) is the strongest word for pity in the Greek language…it describes the compassion which moves a man to the deepest depths of his being.”  (Barclay)

Though these people had pastors and teachers, they obvious weren't doing their jobs.  

"The state of things suggested two pictures to His mind: a neglected flock of sheep, and a harvest going to waste for lack of reapers. Both imply, not only a pitiful plight of the people, but a blameworthy neglect of duty on the part of their religious guides." (Bruce)

Psalm 23 describes what a good shepherd looks like.

1. They protect the sheep from wolves. 

2. They lead them into green pastures. 

3. They restore their souls. 

4. They never leave or forsake their sheep even when death is near. 

5. They promise that one day their sheep will dwell forever in heaven with them. 

37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 

The people had seen Jesus' miracles and heard his teaching and now they needed to be discipled.  The fruit was ready to be picked. but it was so plenteous that Jesus needed a lot more people to help him collect it all.  Churches may have lots of people coming to their church, but what is their plan to disciple them.  

For many Christianity has become a spectator sport.  They love to go to church and be fed, but there are others out there who need to be fed.  They are hungry and thirsty for God's word but no one will bring it to them.  They are thirsty for the living water that only Jesus can bring, but no one will give them a drink. 

Jesus saw all the potential of the harvest that God had prepared, but now he realized how many people he needed to train and equip to reap it. 

38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” 

Even Jesus knew he could not accomplish this feat on his own, so He asked His Father to call and send out workers to the fields.  

As we look out into our world there may be as many as 2 billion people who would not call Jesus their Savior.  If we think about this number it is overwhelming.  How could we ever reach that many people?  

But, recently the Pew Research Foundation out of Gordon Conwell Seminary in Boston estimated there are were 2,5 billion Christians in the world.  What does that mean?  If every person reached one unbeliever for Christ, the whole world could be saved!  

The harvest is still plentiful today, will you be one of the workers that God calls into the harvest? If God calls you, will you go?  This doesn't necessarily mean becoming a missionary and going to Africa, though God may call you to do that.  The harvest is plentiful right in your own backyard, your church and among some of your friends.  Jesus can use you wherever you are if you are willing! 


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