Could Following Jesus Turn Your Family Against You? Matthew 10:32-36

32 “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.

These are some of the most challenging verses in the whole bible. Remember this is the chapter in which Jesus is sending the disciples out to do the work he had been doing and now commissioned them to do.  Jesus knew persecution was imminent and wanted to prepare them for it, yet at the same time challenge them to not deny him.  Also remember the previous verses described God's great love and care for them and how God knew what they needed before they even asked.  They would never be alone on this journey. 

"Each individual Christian life should supply enough evidence – evidence that can be seen by the world – that they are indeed Christians. It is to be feared that many modern Christians, if arrested for the crime of following Jesus and tried in a court, would have the charges dismissed for a lack of evidence." ((Guzik)

33 But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.

The word "acknowledge" is also translated "to confess".  The idea is one of public confession.  I.e. in the presence of others.  

 "It is dangerous, either through shame or fear, to withhold our public owning and acknowledgment of Christ, and his truths, when we are called to it; much more to deny them; but the guilt is greater when it is through shame, for where fear is the cause the temptation is more high. This text must be understood of those who persist in such denial, for Peter denied his Master, yet was graciously upon his repentance received by him."

I think it is harder today to confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior because society is increasingly becoming hostile to Christians.  When we consider the persecution and even death of some Christians  face around the world today, it puts our fears into perspective.

34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 

Jesus is OUR peace and is called the "Prince of Peace", yet many people rejected him violently.  Jesus showed complete love to all those he came in contact with, yet was violently killed.  Over the years there has been much violence done in the name of Christ, yet he never taught anything of the sort.  Though our proclamation of Jesus Christ may bring the unintended consequences of strife and division, it is never the motivation for preaching the gospel.  

35 For I have come to turn “‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—

So deep would be the difference between those who accepted him and those who rejected him that it could and would even affect familial relationships.  I have seen many times where a person leaving another religion to follow Jesus has caused much conflict in a family.  For many families accepting Jesus is seen as a rejection in how you were raised.  Jesus called his disciples to follow him for three years.  

Some of the disciples called could or would not follow him.  One person, the rich young ruler, could not follow him because of his money.  One person wanted to go home and bury his father.  And Jesus said, "Let the dead bury their own dead."  Even Jesus' own parents did not always accept his actions like when he went to the temple.  When they confronted him he said, "Why are you looking for me?  Didn't you know I must be in my Father's house."  

Martin Luther's parents wanted him to become a lawyer and not a Catholic monk.  But look what the world would have missed out on if Luther did not pursue God's call on his life. You can read more about Luther's early life and his relationship with his parents here:

36 a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’

Again as a result of allegiance to Christ some may face rejection in even their own families. While this is not God's design or desire, due to the fallenness of humankind these things still happen even today.  

Have you ever had the chance to publicly confess your faith in Jesus Christ before others?  What was it like?  If you haven't it is because you have avoided it or were afraid, or just not had the opportunity?  Are there others in your life like family and friends who resist you when you draw near to Christ?  If someone is really against you as you put your faith in Jesus and follow him, are they really your friend be it family or not?  


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