One Year Bible Readings and Commentary for Thursday, May 19th

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Click Here to Read 1 Samuel 24-25

David Spares Saul’s Life

Saul's manhut for David comes to an apparent end today. Something strange happens. Saul is "relieving" himself in a cave, and David and his men are in the back of the cave. Saul was a "sitting duck" for David and his men. His men tell him this was the way the Lord was telling him that Saul was under his power. They wanted to seize the moment and kill Saul, but David shows why he was a man after God's own heart. 

David cuts off the hem of Saul's robe unbeknowst to him. So when David reveals himself, he recounts the story that he could have easily have killed Saul if he wanted. He pleads with Saul that this is proof positive that he is not trying to kill him. After all he could have done it but did not. 

Amazing that Saul breaks down and realizes "his son" David was indeed in the right. He could have killed him, but he didn't. This fact overwhelms Saul, and he begins to cry. I.e He does have a heart after all.  Saul realizes at this point that David would be the next king. He only asks David that he would remember his family and not destroy his family line. 

The Death of Samuel

It is interesting the bible gives only one verse to tell of the death Samuel. Samuel was one of Israel's greatest priests and all of Israel came to bring their respect. 

 Nabal Angers David

As David and his men keep traveling, they come upon the town of Maon. There was a wealthy man named Nabal who lived there. David and his men had protected Maon's men when they stayed with them. Since it was sheep shearing time, David had hoped that Nabal might share in the blessings he had been given. So he sends ten men to give Nabal this message.

But Nabal is anything but welcoming and hospitable. He questions David's motives and calls his men a band of outlaws. So David's men go back to tell David. David is not happy and tells his men to strap on their swords, as he does as well.

Meanwhile Nabal's wife, Abigail, who is described as very beautiful, learns of her husband's rudeness. She correctly discerns that this will not go well. So she sends a delegation of men to meet David on his way with figs, grapes, wine, grain, and five sheep, who were slaughtered. As David approaches her, he is still seething with anger that here he had helped Nabal and his men, and protected their flocks, and he returns this favor with this. 

Abigail Intercedes for Nabal

When Abigail meets David, she is most gracious. She explains how mean and short sided her husband is, and dissuades David from killing him by pointing out how God will protect him as the next king of Israel. She reminds him that the Lord had not allowed him to take vengeance on people like Nabal, as they would be under the Lord's curse. She urged him not to let what he was about to do be a blemish on his record and conscience. 

Then, she presents the gifts she had brought with her to him. David recognizes the purity of Abigail and how she is a messenger of the Lord to him. He accepts her message and vows not to kill Nadab, or his men. She successfully interceded for her family and husband though he did not deserve it. 

Abigail is a type of what Jesus would later do. He offered himself on the cross and gave us the gift of salvation though we didn't deserve it. Abigail's gift and intercession before David staved off David's wrath, so that he gave Nadab mercy not justice. 

When Abigail returns home, Nadab is throwing a big party and is drunk and acting like he is a king. Abigail waits until the morning to tell him about David's response, and he has a stroke and eventually his life is taken by the Lord. 

David Marries Abigail

When David heard that Nabal was dead, he sent messengers to Abigail to ask her to marry him. Abigail immediately accepted his proposal and took 5 maidservants and went and married David. The passage ends by saying that David married another woman named Anihoam, making her his wife as well. Therefore, David had two wives. Was this acceptable? Did God allow or endorse polygamy? 

If you would like a thorough explanation and examination of this topic click on this link:

Is Polygamy OK? Click here

Click Here to Read John 10:22-42

Jesus comes to the temple at Hannukah, also called the "Feast of Dedication". It happens in the wintertime. The people ask him if the Messiah. Jesus responds by giving them several reasons for how he has already given ample evidence that He is the Messiah. 

1. The proof is the work (miracles,signs) He has done in God's name. They are proof that He comes from Father, for He could not do these things if they were not done in His Father's name.  

2. Just because everyone does not accept him, does not mean He is not the Messiah. Those who recgnize He is the Messiah, hear his voice, and listen to him, will never be taken from him. This is an argument for "once saved, always saved!" 

3. His followers give evidence that He and God are one. This is a clear claim to divinity. 

4. At this the men go to stone him, but Jesus asks them for what work is He being stoned. All of his works show that the Father is working through him. 

5. Even in the Old Testament the Law referred to the judges of Israel as "gods". If they were okay with that language of fallible human beings, why are they stoning him for claiming to be God. 

If you would like more info on this idea click here

What does the Bible mean by “you are gods” / "ye are gods" in Psalm 82:6 and John 10:34?

Click Here to Read Psalm 116

Proverbs 15:20-21


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