One Year Bible Readings and Commentary for Wednesday, May 25th

Click Here to Listen to the Readings

Click Here to Read 2 Samuel 7:1-8:18

The Lord’s Covenant Promise to David

This is one of the most important chapters in the Old Testament. God had made two covenants with the people of Israel. The first covenant was with Abraham. God promised Abraham he would bless him and make his name great, and his descendants would be like the number of stars in the sky. The second covenant was with Moses, the Mosaic covenant. This was the covenant of the Law, and specifically the Ten Commandments. As Israel obeyed God's commandments, they would be blessed by the Lord, but if they disobeyed, they would be cursed. The Law also provided for the sacrificial system of the Old Testament, where the sins of the people were atoned for once a year, when the innocent lamb was sacrificed on the altar. 

God makes the final Old Testament covenant with King David. It is called the Davidic covenant, or the royal covenant. In this covenant, God promises David that there were never fail to be one of his descendants on the the throne. It will be an everylasting kingdom and dynasty. While David wanted to make a house for the Lord, God made David's house a dynasty of kings, which would last forever. 

David’s Prayer of Thanks

David gives God thanks for giving him this dynasty within his house. Though he knows he doesn't deserve it, he knows God is Sovereign. In fact he addresses the Lord as, "O Sovereign Lord" seven times in these verses. David is overwhelmed and honored that God chose he and his family to be honored. He recounts how God had delivered his people from the Egyptians and redeemed them from slavery. He declares there this is no other God like the God of Israel. David's prayer life and adoration of God is one of the many reasons God chose David to the recipient of the royal covenant that would one day be fulfilled in Jesus. 

Do you set aside time when you pray to praise God and exalt Him and all of his benefits. It is good to praise God and recount the many times he has blessed you and kept His promise to you. 

David’s Military Victories

David is victorious over all of Israel's traditional enemies like: the Philistines, the Moabites, the Edomites, the Ammonities, the Assyrians, and the Amalekites. As you will notice, these were all Canaanite nations that Joshua had destroyed when they came into the Promised Land. 

David was successful wherever he went and any of the gold and silver they plundered, they offered up to God as a gift. David reigned over all of Israel and did what was just. It was the pinnacle of David's dynasty, and one of the best periods of time in Israel's history. 

John 14:15-31

Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit

Jesus starts by making the connection between love and obedience. He says a couple of times, "If you love me then obey my commandments." Although obedience does not earn love, it shows it. And then Jesus makes a promise that when he leaves he will send another person who will be their comforter and advocate. He is the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit comes after Jesus is taken up to be with the Father, the Holy Spirit will both remind them of the truth and guide them in it. 

Then, Jesus promises them one more gift. The gift of peace. This is a peace the world cannot offer, because it comes from God, not the world. It is a peace which will help them when they are afraid. He also promises that though He is going away, he will come back to be with them. 

Is your love for God and Jesus reflected in your obedience to Him? Are you experiencing the peace that Jesus promised us? Sometimes when we are disobedient, we lose the peace Jesus has given us. We are filled with fear and doubt. This is a good time to confess your sins to Jesus, turn from them, and be filled with the peace He alone can bring! 

Click Here to Read Psalm 119:33-48

Click Here to Read Proverbs 15:33


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