The Power of Grandmothers!

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5 I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you. 6 This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. 7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:5-7

Grandmothers are some of the most important and impactful people in our lives. My grandma Tiggleman was an amazing lady. She loved her kids and grandkids. She was always sweet, kind, and generous. My Grandpa worshipped her (in a good way!). She helped fund my seminary education, and was there when I graduated from Fuller Seminary in 1994. 

Shortly thereafter, I received word that she would probably not live much longer, so I took a "redeye" plane flight to Michigan. I went straight to her apartment when I got there. She was lying there in perfect peace.  I prayed over her and not too much longer after that she died. It was one of the most powerful moments in my life. I know God was with us in a powerful way.

As Paul writes his second letter to his beloved son in the faith, Timothy, he talks about the influence Timothy's grandmother (Lois) had in his life. And not only in his grandmother, but also his mother, Eunice. Faith was passed on through two generations. I wonder where Lois heard the gospel and came to believe. She was probably part of one of the first Christian communities. 

This story highlights the fact that faith is meant to be passed on through the family. There is not a more important thing we can do with our lives than to pass on the Good News to the next generation. In fact, if we don't pass on the gospel to our kids and grandkids, the church could become extinct in a few generations. We all can see our current culture attacking the Christian church, especially our youth and children.  

You might ask about people who have no kids. Anyone can pass on faith to the next generation. You don't have to be a blood relative to have a major influence in young person's life. In my church, I see all kinds of people not related to our children and youth sharing their faith in Jesus. 

Where can you have an influence on the next generation? If you have children or grandchildren are you investing in their spiritual education? Do they see Jesus' living in you? Are you an example of the abudant life Jesus offers us? 

This doesn't mean you are perfect. Far from it, it is often in our weaknesses where our kids see us rely on faith in Jesus. We can show them that His grace is sufficient for us in good times and bad. This also means we need to be honest and transparent with our kids when we do make mistakes. It shows the best thing to do is take it to the Lord right away and do your best not to do it again. 

I pray for the next generation. I pray for you and I to be a great influence upon them. There are a lot of things we don't have much control over in our lives, but we can control where we invest our time and love. Let's invest in our kids, it will be more than worth it! 


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