Luke 15 - One Year New Testament "Lost People Matter To God, Therefore They Should Matter to US!"

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The Parable of the Lost Sheep

As we have said before, one of the distinctives of Luke's gospel is an emphasis on reaching out to the lost. In chapter 15, all three stories have thus theme of finding that which has been lost. 

In this first story, the motif was the shepherd, who leaves the ninety nine "found" sheep to go after the one lost sheep. This does not reflect the shepherd's disregard for the ninety nine sheep were found, but his deep love for the one sheep that had wandered off and was alone. Jesus told this story after the Pharisees muttered about his association with sinners. Note how joyous the shepherd is when he finds the lost sheep, puts it on his shoulder, and takes it home. The story ends with the statement that all heaven rejoices when ome lost sheep is found. 

It is amazing to think when we lead someone to Christ all of heaven rejoices. This reminds us that one of the primary purposes of the church is to reach out to lost people. 

The Parable of the Lost Coin

This is a similar story but this time a coin was lost. "The woman in the story first brought light; then swept and cleaned the house, all along searching for the coin carefully and with deliberate intent. She kept looking until she found the coin. This is how the church, led by the Holy Spirit, will search for lost souls. First they will put forth the light of God’s word, then sweep and clean their own place, then search carefully for the lost." Guzik

It is great to see how much joy there is heaven, when lost people are found. It reminds us that God is a God of Joy! As Nehemiah 8:10 says, "The joy of the Lord is my strength." Jesus said, "My joy I give you not as the world gives." 

Are you experiencing God's joy lately? If you aren't draw near to God and experience His joy. 

The Parable of the Lost Son
The first two parables are about a coin and a sheep.The last one is about a son. This is one of my favorite parables in the bible. It shows the relational nature of God the Father with God the Son. In the story a father has two sons. One is very obedient and does everything his Father asks. Of course, the father loves him. The younger son asks for his half of the inheritance early probably motivated by his desire to go out and experience the things of this world. 
Sure enough after spending all of his inhertiance money on wild and reckless living, the son finds himself feeding the pigs, earning nothing, and hoping to get the same pods the pigs were eating. 
Finally, it says he "came to his senses". Another way of translating would be "he came to himself", meaning he remembered who he really was. We often say, "He snapped out of it!" He remembered His father's great love for him and turned toward home hoping his dad would show him mercy. Then comes my favorite part of the story. 
But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
Though the son turned and came back to the Father, the Father was waiting on him, scanning the horizon, and longing for him to come home. And it says, "HE RAN to his son!" That's right "GOD RAN". There is a great song i have put the link for below. 
When the son comes home, he confesses his sin to his Father, but before it he finishes the Father wraps his arms around him and says. "Let's throw a big party. We need to celebrate!  My son who was lost is found! 
There is one last part to the story. The older son is out working in the field when he hears the crazy party going on. He realizes it is for his younger brother, who took the inheritance, left home, and wasted it on loose living. He wonders, "How is that dad throws him a huge part when I have been obedience all this time and I don't get any party. I am just left out here to work!"
The Father realizes the situation and calls the older son in. He re-affirms his love for him and all he has is his too. But he reminds his older son, that this is a time of rejoicing because his brother who was lost is now found. It is a time to celebrate! 
So we can see these stories are all about how much God loves all people even those who have strayed from him or never come to him. God loves those who are safely in His flock, but he also loves those who are far from him.
God so loved the WHOLE WORLD that He sent His only son to rescue the lost sheep and the prodigal sons and daughters. When they return to Him, it's time to party.
A pastor who I admire very much said, "Lost People Matter To God. They Should Matter To US!" 
Let's go out and find those who are lost to show the world the extravagant nature of God's love. Let's get heaven partying again! 


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