Mark 15 Jesus Before Pilate, The Soldiers Mock Jesus, The Crucifixion of Jesus, The Death of Jesus, The Burial of Jesus

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Jesus Before Pilate

Today we read about the events that happened on the day Jesus was crucified on a cross. We call this day Good Friday. Now it wasn't so good for Jesus, as we will see the depth of his agony and cruel punishment despite being innocent of everything he was charged for. But it was definitely the best Friday we will ever know. On this Friday Jesus paid the penalty for our sins. He paid a debt he didn't owe for we who owed a debt we could never pay. We were made right with God, what we call "Justification", by his death on the cross. We could never earn being made right with our perfect and holy Father, but Jesus gave us His righteousness. We also call this "Substitutionary Atonement". An easy way to remember the word "Atonement" is At-One-With God. 

First thing in the morning the chief priests, elders, and teachers of the Law all colluded to send Jesus to the cross. They wanted to wipe their hands of it, so they pawned it off on Pontius Pilate, who had the authority to try and convict Jesus, though he would have a hard time finding any crime that Jesus committed. The only thing he could come up with was Jesus purported to be, "The King of the Jews". This would be a threat to Pontius Pilate but certainly didn't warrant Jesus' death. Jesus did not deny he was the King of the Jews. The word King also meant "Messiah". 

The Jewish leaders accused Jesus of many other things, but Jesus did not feel he needed to answer any of these charges probably because they were so ridiculous. Due to a special provision at Passover time, the Romans released one man who was guilty of a crime deserving death. In this case it was Barabbas, who was a know murderer and participated in an uprising against the Romans. The real point was that he was a reat threat. It would have made more sense for Pilate to crucify him. 

As Pilate turned to the crowd to offer the release of Jesus, the crowds chanted all the more, "Crucify him, Crucify him!" It makes me wonder why they would want Jesus crucified after all he had done for so many people. What made through hearts so full of hatred toward him. Though Pilate wanted to release Jesus because of his innocence, he was afraid the crowds might riot so he released Barabbas instead. In essence, his own people cruficied him.  

The Soldiers Mock Jesus

As the soldiers prepared Jesus for his crucifixion, they humiliated him by jamming a crowd of thorns around his head that caused him to bleed. A crown was fitting for a king. They also put a purple robe on him also befitting of a king, as purple was the color of royalty. By the way, this is why we wear a purple stole (a vestment we where over our robes in the traditional services) signifying our journey to the cross in Lent.  They also mocked Jesus by saying things like, "Hail King of the Jews". Let's remember Jesus was the Son of God. It's hard to believe they were treating him like this. 

The Crucifixion of Jesus

A man named Simon of Cyrene was forced to carry Jesus' cross because Jesus couldn't due to his weakness. Ironically as Christ followers, we are invited not forced to pick up our cross and follow Jesus. 

They preferred to keep the victim alive until he was crucified, because a public crucifixion was good advertisment for Rome. When Jesus fell under the weight of the cross, no Roman would help Him carry it. The centurion had the right to compel a local Jew to help carry it, but such an outrage might lead to uproar or riot. The best solution was to make a stranger carry the cross, so they found a foreigner (Simon from Cyrene in North Africa) to help Him. - Guzik

Yet the Romans were the law and Simon did not have a choice – they compelled him to bear His cross. We are often blessed by the things we are compelled to do. Simon did not want to carry this cross and probably resented it terribly when he was asked. Nevertheless, it probably became the most special and memorable moment of his life. - Guzik

At nine in the morning, three hours after his trial, Jesus was crucified next to two thieves on his right and left. Amazingly, the people still taunted Jesus and mocked him, referring to him as a king who couldn't even save himself. The two criminals also heaped insults on him at this time, but we know one of them would later repent and ask Jesus to remember him when he came into his kingdom. 

As Jesus breathed his last breath, which was how people who were crucified died. As they hung there, the big nails ripping at their pierced hands and disabling their feet so they could not push up their lungs to get the air they so desperately, they died of asphixiation. It was a horrible way to die and was meant to deter others from crimes against the government. Importantly Jesus cried out the words, "It is finished." Jesus had finished what he had come to earth. He had shown people the kingdom of heaven, invited them into it, and now he finished paying for their sins on the cross. The only people who showed any mercy and compassion for Jesus were the women who had been following him. Many of these women were people who Jesus had loved and forgiven proving the verse which says, "Whoever is forgiven much, loves much." 

We Jesus cried out, "My God, my God why have thou forsaken me." Even Jesus' father in heaven had to turn away from Jesus, as he bore the weight of our sin on the cross. God judged Jesus' sin for the sake of you and me. Jesus was rejected by His Father, so we could be accepted by Him. "By his wounds we were healed!"

The Burial of Jesus

Pilate was surprised Jesus had died so soon. It is probably because the next day was a Sabbath, which was a holy day for the Jews. While Good Friday reminds us of Jesus' death, the new Sabbath for Christians reminds us of his resurrection three days later on Sunday the first day of the week. 

Joseph of Arimathea ensured he would have a proper burial. And lest anyone think Jesus really did not die (also called the "Swoon theory"), Pilate and his centurions would not have taken Jesus off the cross if he was not dead. Also remember if the Centurion got it wrong and Jesus was not dead, he probably would have paid dearly for this mistake.

This Joseph was apparently silent when the council sentenced Jesus to death (Mark 15:1). He shrunk back then but was not ashamed to identify with Jesus in His death.Joseph did not serve Jesus in many ways, but he did serve Him in ways no one else did or could. It was not possible for Peter, James, John, or even the many women who served Jesus to provide a tomb, but Joseph could and did. We must serve God in whatever way we can. - Guzik

How does knowing how and why Jesus died this way affect you? Do you think you fully realize what it meant for Him to suffer and die this kind of death so that you could  been forgiven of all of your sins past, present and future. 

Take a moment to thank Jesus and remember him in a more intentional way as we go through Lent together. One of the great hymns we sing during Lent repeats the refrain, "Jesus remember me, when you come into you kingdom. Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom!"  

Let's never forget what Jesus did for us on Good Friday! 


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