John 16 - The Disciples' Grief Will Turn Into Joy!

Click Here to Read John 16

John continues to explain the role of the Holy Spirit. We learn more about the Holy Spirit in John than any other gospel. Jesus says, "It is good for me to go because if I don't I can't send you the Holy Spirit." 

The withdrawal of the bodily presence of Christ was the essential condition of His universal spiritual presence.” (Dods)

Jesus was just one man but by sending the Holy Spirit every believer would have the Spirit of Christ living in them. It is the Holy Spirit that will convict the world about sinfulness, and the fact that we can never measure up to God's perfect standards. Simply put, the Holy Spirit shows us our need for Christ. 

Also, the Holy Spirit would guide them into all truth. The Holy Spirit is the voice of truth, just as Jesus was the truth. The Holy Spirit would take what Jesus said and make it known to the disciples. The Holy Spirit helps us to discern the difference between truth and a lie. The Holy Spirit is the source of wisdom. 

“The Greek means ‘all the truth’, i.e. the specific truth about the Person of Jesus and the significance of what He said and did. The New Testament is permanent evidence that the apostles were guided into truth about this.” (Tasker)

The Disciples’ Grief Will Turn to Joy

Since the disciples weren't coming to terms with Jesus to be taken from them, Jesus begins to prepare them for the grief that they will experience. He uses the analogy of childbirth, where a mother experiences deep pain during birth, but this pain is replaced by joy when the child is born. So it will be with the disciples, when they see Jesus raised from the dead. 

In that day the disciples will no longer need to have Jesus be their mediator with the Father, but they will all be able to go to the Father and ask for anything in Jesus' name. 

Because of Jesus’ great work, disciples have unlimited, undeniable access to God through Him. The disciples had yet to really pray in the name of Jesus, but He would teach them. Guzik 

This new connection they will have through Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit will be a new experience of God's presence. Jesus says this, 

Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete!

“The reason that Christ will not intercede for them is now given. There will be no need. The Father Himself loves them. He does not need to be persuaded to be gracious. In this case the ground of acceptance is the relationship in which they stand to Jesus.” (Morris)

Not only would this new relationship bring joy but also would give them peace even in the midst of suffering. 

Two of the greatest gifts God gifts us through Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit is joy and peace. This is joy and peace that the world cannot give. God can give us peace in any situation. 

Do you have regular experiences of God's peace and joy through the Holy Spirit? Living in God's peace and joy are what give us a distinctiveness and an attractiveness that draws people to Christ.  Jesus says, 

"My peace and joy I give you not as the world gives!" Jesus' joy and peace are priceless!


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