Luke 22 - Jesus' Disciples Betray and Abandon Him After He Celebrates the Last Supper with Them!

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Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus

The Passover time was a time when every Jewish family came to Jerusalem to observe the Passover. Judas Iscariot was the treasurer for the disciples. Importantly it says, "Then Satan entered Judas." The satanic influence on Judas helps to explain his betrayal of Jesus. The Pharisees were delighted to find someone who would betray Jesus. They offered him money to do the dirty deed.

The question becomes to what extent was Judas culpable for what he did, if Satan had "entered" him? One commentator says, 

Satan prompted and perhaps even guided Judas in his crime. This does not diminish Judas’ personal responsibility because none of this was done against the will of Judas, but with it. This shows that the real enemy of Jesus was Satan, even more than Judas was an enemy. - Guzik

The Last Supper

This is good timing to read this passage, as this Thursday is Maundy Thursday, where we remember the Last Supper Jesus had with his disciples. Though there are certainly many moments during Holy Week where we see Jesus' humanness, in today's passage we see his divinity. Jesus gave them directions on how to find the place where they would celebrate the Last Supper. They would meet a man carrying a jar of water, and he would show them the place for their Passover meal together.  Though Jesus could have made prior arrangements it seems more than coincidental that they just happen to meet a man carrying a water jar. Bottom line is that we will see that many events of these last days for which Jesus seems to have planned within God's sovereignty. 

Jesus shows his love for his disciples, as he shares with them how eagerly he desired to have this meal with them before he suffered. Then, he tells them that he will not eat with them again they are together again in the kingdom of God. This is what we call in the church, "A foretaste of the feast to come." Then Jesus gave new meaning to the meal, which we now call the "Sacrament of Holy Communion". He took the bread, broke it, and said, "This is my body broken for you." In the same way he took the cup and said, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood which is poured out for you.

This is hiisghly significant. Jesus  instituting a new covenant which would replace the old covenant. The old covenant God had made with the both Abraham and Moses. The covenant with Abraham was the covenant of the promise. The promise that Abraham's descendants would be like the number of stars in the sky. The covenant that all nations of the earth would be blessed through His family. And the Mosaic covenant of the Law. This consisted of the Ten Commandments, and also way in which the Israelites would receive atonement for their sins at the Passover feast, which they celebrated after they were delivered from the Egyptians. An innocent lamb was sacrificed for the sins of the people and its blood was poured out. And Jesus was becoming the innocent lamb of God, whose blood would be poured on the cross as atonement for their sin and all who came after them. 

This is why the celebration of Holy Communion is so important in our worship services. We are remembering what Jesus did for us on the cross to make us right with God by His blood poured out on the cross for our sin. When we receive Holy Communion it is also a foretaste of the feast to come. The bread we eat and the wine we drink, we will one day be eating with Jesus in his kingdom. 

It is at this time that Jesus also informs them that there is a traitor in their midst. But as soon as they began to debate this, the discussion devolved into a discussion about who of them was the greatest. I am not sure how to connect the two conversations. But then we have Peter, who is called Simon in this passage, boldly proclaiming that though others might betray Jesus, he never would. 

Interesting we again see the role of Satan. Jesus said, "Satan had asked him if he could sift all the disciples like wheat?" This implies that Satan needed Jesus' permission, because he knew Jesus was a higher authority than him. Jesus says that he prayed for Peter that his faith might not fail, but in the end it is almost as if Jesus knows what is going to happen because he says, "When you have turned back strengthen your brothers." 

As for the other disciples, they are talking about taking swords with them assuming that Jesus will fight to prevent his own arrest. Jesus realizes they are still basically clueless so he says, "That's enough". 

Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives

Jesus went to his usual place to pray and told the disciples to pray with him so that they would not fall into temptation. What was the nature of their temptation? It is clear from the context and what we know happened shortly after, it will be the temptation to deny him. As Jesus prays, you get the sense that he knows the disciples will not be there for him. He knows from this point on he will be alone. We see one of the most significant details that reveals his humanness when he says, 

Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground."

We are not exactly sure what "sweating drops of blood" means. Here are a few ideas put forth by commentators,

In His agony, Jesus prayed more earnestly, to the point where His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground. Luke did not say that Jesus’ sweat was blood, but that it was like blood; either in the way that it poured off His brow, or because it was tinged with blood from the burst capillaries and dilated pores on His brow. - Guzik

"His perspiration was so profuse that it was like blood spilling on the ground.” (Pate)

Meanwhile the disciples were not of much help. They were sleeping. So much for their support. Jesus kept going back to the same theme, "Pray so you will not fall into tempation." 

The one given is we will all be tempted by Satan. Like the disciples, "He will try to sift us as wheat!"

Importantly what is Jesus' strategy for us to withstand the wiles of our enemy. "Watch and pray!"

Jesus Arrested

Finally, all the pieces are in play for Jesus to be turned over to the authorities. They had prearranged with Judas that the one he kissed was Jesus. Why they did not know what he looked like I am not sure. They came armed with clubs and swords thinking Jesus would resist arrest and it could turn violent though nothing Jesus had ever done anything showing him to be a violent person.

From John's gospel we know it was Peter who cut off the high priest's ear in trying to protect Jesus. In the John's account, we know Jesus healed the man's ear right right away by putting it back on his head. Though Peter was a little overly impulsive, you have to give him credit for his zeal for his master, which would not last through the night. 

Peter Disowns Jesus

Peter's zeal turned into fear, as he was questioned about his association with Jesus. Peter stood off in the distance. as Jesus was in the high priest's home. He was recognized as being a follower of Jesus' and twice he denied it. Finally, it was Galilean background that gave him away. When he denied Jesus a third time, a rooster crowed just as Jesus had predicted. 

At that moment Jesus turned and looked at Peter. One can only imagine the shame and regret Peter must have felt when he realized that the Lord knew exactly how this would happen. Peter had nothing left to do other than to go outside and weep bitterly. 

The Guards Mock Jesus

Not only was Jesus abandoned by his friends and His Father, even the guards mocked and humiliated him. They blindfoled him and struck him goading him by saying, "Prophesy, who hit you!" It is hard to imagine any human enduring this kind of degradation, let alone the only Son of God. It is hardly believeable. 

Jesus Before Pilate and Herod

First thing Friday morning Jesus was led before all of the Jewish leaders. They try to bait Jesus by saying, "If you are the Messiah tell us?" They knew Jesus had said this and they were trying to get him to admit it before them. But Jesus called their bluff. He basically said, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you anways." So he takes it another level and says, "You will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Almighty God!" This is where we get the term from the Apostles' Creed, "And he is seated at the right hnad of the Father." 

It is interesting he uses the word "seated". Psalm 110:1 says: “The LORD says to my Lord: Sit at My right hand.” So in one sense it is another fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. Being at the right hand of the Father signifies three  things. (

1. Jesus conquered death - Hebrews 1:3 says, “After making purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high."

2. Jesus has the highest place. "In the Bible the right hand, and especially God’s right hand, is the hand of strength."

3. Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead. 

So that Jesus is seated at the right hand of God means that He has the highest place, and that will become even clearer when He returns to rule the earth. 




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