John 10 - Jesus Really Does Offer Us the Best Kind of Life!

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The Good Shepherd and His Sheep

In chapter 10, Jesus uses the common metaphor of a "shepherd", which would be very familiar to everyone in his culture. There are also many references to "shepherds" in the Old Testament. Ultimately Jesus is telling the Pharisees they are not very good shepherds at all. They don't really have the sheep's interest in mind and really don't care about them at all. 

They are false shepherds. They are like the strangers who enter the sheep pen and try to call the sheep out. But the sheep will not recognize them and will run away from them. Then, Jesus says that he is the, "Gate for the sheep." The gatekeeper, who is God, opens the door for him.

Jesus says, "I am the gate for the sheep." Another "I am" statement where Jesus is claiming to be God. On top of that Jesus is the Good Shepherd. The sheep listen to his familiar voice and trust he will take care of them. He knows his sheep so well, he calls them by name. He loves them and they know it. 

As they go out and come in, they find green pasture. The false shepherds, he also calls thieves and robbers. They came to exploit the sheep for their own motives. We see this sometimes today when we read of pastors who have deceptively taken money from their flock. I would personally be fearful for any leader who bilked people out of money in Jesus' name. 

In verse 10:10, we come to one of my top 3 favorite verses in the bible. 

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

I like the term "abundant life". They greatest lie Satan puts forth is that following Jesus is not the best way to live. Somehow following Jesus will be a "drag". Or, Jesus came to take away all of our "fun". 

I believed in that lie for awhile from about age 18 to 23. But, then I came back to Christ and realized that following Jesus was WAY more exciting that what other people my age were doing. Following Jesus is the adventure of a lifetime. It is so much more gratifying, meaningful, and fulfilling than anything the world can offer!

Jesus, as the Good Shepherd, shows he is a better shepherd, because he is willing to lay down his life for the sheep. When the false shepherds see they might personally be in danger, they quickly flee. But, Jesus goes to "bat for us" all the way to the cross. 

The thief came to steal our life when he introduced sin to the world. The wages of sin brought death. But Jesus gave us back our life by his death on the cross. Through him, we have been given back our lives, as he has given us victory over sin, death, and the power of the devil. Thanks be to God! 

These sayings divided the Jews, just like the gospel preached today does the same thing. Some thought he was demon possessed. Others realized that a demon possessed many would never have a reason to preach this kind of message, let alone open the eyes of the blind.

Further Conflict Over Jesus’ Claims 

Jesus was now at a feast we now call "Hanukkah", which celebrated the cleansing and re-dedication of the temple in the 2nd century B.C.. Here is a brief description of what happened. and why the Menorah candle is so important. 

"Hanukkah commemorates the victory in 164 B.C. of a group of Jewish people (the Maccabees) over the Syrian Greeks, who had been occupying the Land of Israel since before 167 B.C. Not only had the Greeks destroyed the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, but they also banned the practice of Judaism entirely. After a three-year fight, the Maccabees liberated the templeand won the Jewish people the right to practice their religion."

Jesus was just walking around, not even teaching, when the Jews asked him if He was the Messiah. Jesus says, "I have already told you so, and all of the signs and miracles I have done further show that I am the Messiah." 

Jesus says they are not his sheep, because if they were, they would have listened to his voice. As for his sheep, he gives them eternal life and, "No one will snatch them out of his hand."

This gives evidence for the doctrine of, "Once saved always saved." Once Jesus becomes your Good Shepherd, you are with him for life. As we know from another story, Jesus even goes after the sheep who wander away. He leaves everything and does anything to find them. See the Parable of the Lost Sheep in Matthew 18

Jesus makes probably his most comprehensive claim to be equal to God when he says,

 "I and the Father are one.” John 10:30

If anyone ever wonders if Jesus claimed to be God just point them here. In fact, this is why the Pharisees and other Jews wanted to kill Jesus. Even the people who wanted to stone him right then and there. 

"Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus said to them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?” “We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.” John 10:31-33

Jesus escaped their grasp and went back over the Jordan to where John had been baptizing. 

Jesus did not remain in Jerusalem among the hostile religious leaders. Knowing the time was short but not yet for His arrest and crucifixion, Jesus went beyond the Jordan. - Guzik

Importantly it says, "Many people came to believe in him!"

Jesus still faced great opposition from the religious leaders in Jerusalem, and their greatest act of opposition was just about to begin. Yet many people still came to Jesus. God’s work went on, despite the opposition of man. - Guzik 


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