John 14 - All Roads Do Not Lead to God!

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Jesus Comforts His Disciples

John 14-17 are some of my favorite chapters in the bible. Jesus has just washed his disciples feet, Judas has betrayed him, and he has predicted that Peter would deny him three times. At this point the disciples might have needed some comfort. There were a lot of unknowns at this point. They knew Jesus was going to die, be raised after three days, and return the Father. But, what exactly did all this mean for them? 

So, Jesus starts out chapter 14 by saying, "Do not let your hearts be troubled!" Jesus had empathy for them. He knew how they were feeling. Jesus urged them to not only trust in God but also in Him. Why? 

Because he was going was a place that had lots and lots of rooms. He was preparing a place for them for when they died. If Jesus prepared a place for them, he would certainly come back to take them with him. They he said something interesting, 

"You know the way to the place I am going!"

The disciples had reason to be troubled. Jesus had just told them that one of them was a traitor, that all of them would deny Him, and that He would leave them that night. All of this would legitimately trouble the disciples, yet Jesus told them, let not your heart be troubled. - Guzik

There will be many such dwelling places. Jesus could see what the disciples never could – millions upon millions, even billions from every tribe, language, nation in His Father’s house. He may have even smiled when He said, many mansions – many indeed!

The entire focus of heaven is being united with Jesus. Heaven is heaven not because of streets of gold, or pearly gates, or even the presence of angels. Heaven is heaven because Jesus is there.

Jesus the Way to the Father

Thomas asks what probably the other disciples were thinking about, "How are we going to get to this place?"

Jesus answers with one of the most quoted verses in the bible. He says, 

"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me."

Not only is Jesus making a claim to be divine, but he is claiming to be the only way to God the Father. No ordinary human being would say, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." But he is also saying he is the ONLY way to God the Father. 

This is offensive to many people. There are many people who say, "All roads lead to God". This classically called "universalism". This would all say all religions are equally true. The only problem is that Jesus makes an exclusive claim to be the truth and the only way to God. 

Admittedly this can be a challenging verse. We all want everyone who sincerely believes in God to be saved. We would all like to think if you are sincere about your religion, all roads lead to God. The problem is that Jesus doesn't leave this option open. I don't think it is because Jesus and/or Christianity is trying to say, "My way or the highway".  But it is making a truth claim.  If there was another way, what way would that be?

To say there is another way would be to say that Jesus is presenting a falsehood. If Jesus is the "truth" then he is making a true statement. The problem is you can't say Jesus is the only way, and in the same breath say, "All roads lead to God". These are opposite statements which cannot be logically true. It is like 2 + 2 = 4 or 2 +2=5. They both can't be true.  

So what is the proof that who Jesus claimed to be is the truth. Jesus said that when he rose from the dead three days after he died it would prove He was the Son of God.  Therefore, one would have to disprove the resurrection happened to disprove Jesus' claim to truth. 

If Jesus claimed he was the only Son of God, there are only three ways to describe who he is. He is either a ...

1. Liar - He is outright lying, which makes him a very bad person. 

2. Lunatic - He is crazy and/or delusional. 

3. Lord - He is the Messiah, the Lord of heaven and earth. 

This does not mean that God doesn't love all people equally. God so loved the WORLD that He gave His ONLY Son. If that doesn't show love I don't know what does. Unfortunately people of rejected the free gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus. 

Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit

Jesus not only comforts them with the assurance of eternal life but also promises them a Comforter to help them today. This is the Holy Spirit, which was promised to God's people way back in the Old Testament. See Joel 2:28 and Ezekiel 36:26

He would not only give them the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit would live in them. The Holy Spirit is also called the "Helper". The Holy Spirit helps us to do what we could not do for ourselves. 

Zechariah 4:6, "It is not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord!" So you see not only was Jesus promised in the Old Testament, but the Holy Spirit was too!

Jesus also talks about the importance of obedience. 

"Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. 24 Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me."

When Jesus, "He and the Father will come and make our home with them.", it is the same word for "tabernacle".  The tabernacle was what moved with the Israelites in the wilderness, as a sign that God's presence went with them. It looked forward to the day when God would dwell in the temple. But more importantly, it looked forward to the day God's Spirit would dwell in our hearts. 

Jesus says, "We will come to them and make our home." Notice all three aspects of the Trinity. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit dwell in, or tabernacle with and in us. This is why when we are walking with the Lord, we feel so close to him. It is not as if our obedience saves us, but our obedience keeps us in fellowship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

This is why when we fall away from God due to unrepentance, we feel disconnected from God and without peace and joy. We miss the presence of God, which gives us love, joy, and peace. 

Would you say you are dwelling in God, and God is dwelling in you? Do you feel a sense of joy, peace, and hope? Is there an area in your life where you are not walking in obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit?

Remember, "When you feel far from God, guess who moved!" 


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