Romans 10 - Do You Want to Have Beautiful Feet?

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Paul starts chapter 10 by reiterating his love for his fellow Jewish people. Specifically, his desire for them to be saved. He notes that they have been zealous for the Law, but could not obtain righteousness by it. In this way, they tried to "establish their own". Many people try to create their own way to God either not realizing, or being ignorant of the Way Jesus has shown us. Jesus is the culmination of the Law they so idolize. But, they don't recognize Him as the only way to fulfill it. 

Moses says the "one who does right by the Law will live by it." The Jews tried to live by it but like everyone they fall short. The Law doesn't get it done. Paul says the word is near them. It literally is in their mouth and heart. It is that close. And through the power of the Holy Spirit it calls out, "Jesus is Lord". 

Paul gives us a verse that is one worth memorizing and is often used for evangelism, as it contains the heart of how we respond to the gospel. 

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Yes folks its that simple. Salvation in Christ is not complicated but it does take a personal commitment to believe in it. We need to confess Jesus publicly and also believe in our heart that he is the only we can be saved. Belief is not just intellectual but part of the inmost being. Heart is the center of a person in Jewish terminlogy. 

Paul gives another important remark about the universal nature of the gospel. 

Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”[f]

The same gospel is available to everyone, but each person must respond personally to it's call. 

Then, Paul gives the primary purpose of the Church. How can we reach people for Christ who don't yet know him? By preaching this Good News. It is through the Good New that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord who will be saved. Again it is not complicated. We just need to preach it and get out of the way and allow the Holy Spirit to convict people of their need for Jesus. Yes, its that simple!

Paul says, "How beautiful the feet are of those who bring Good News." Note "feet" means going out. We don't stay in the church but we "go out!". The church needs to go out into the world not expect the world to come to us. 

Unfortunately Paul realizes and writes that not all Jews will accept the message, nor will all of the Gentiles. But since we don't know who will or will not believe, we preach to all people. Only God knows who will accept his free gift of forgiveness through Jesus Christ. In a way I am glad we don't have to make that decision. Of course, we want all our friends and family to be saved. We can pray for someone to preach the truly Good News to them, pray for them, and also be ready to share our faith with them if the opportunity presents itself. 

Who have you preaching the gospel to anyone lately. Remember its not complicated it just takes a heart willing to do it like someone did for you! 


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