Romans 13 - Make Sure To Put on the Right Clothes Before You Go To Work Tomorrow!

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Submission to Governing Authorities

In chapter 12 Paul started the practical application for all he taught in chapters 1-8, whereas in chapters 9-11, he focused on the future of Israel. Paul continues to teach on practical matters in chapter 13, as he moves to how a Christian's relates to the government. 

The Holy Roman Emperor obviously lived Rome, so this would have been especially applicable to the Roman Christians, and all the other Christians who lived under the heavy hand of Caesar. Some Christian were teaching that because the government was evil, that the believers should disobey their rule. But Paul tells them they must obey the governing authorities because they are appointed by God. 

There are two kingdoms. God's kingdom, which is ruled by the church on this earth. We also call it the "body of Christ". And, also the secular kingdom, which God has appointed earthly judges and rulers to govern in order to keep civil order. In almost all cases Christians should obey the laws of the land, not only to be a good example, but also to avoid the consequences of breaking the law. 

Paul adds to the list paying one's taxes. So as you can see, a Christian isn't exempt from any law. The only law you could say a Christian could disobey if it the government were trying to prohibit you from worshipping God, or forcing you to denounce your Christian faith. In the case of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, he participated in an assassination attempt of Adolf Hitler based on conscience sake. Even in Acts when the authorities tried to prevent the apostles from preaching God's Word Peter said, 

27 The apostles were brought in and made to appear before the Sanhedrin to be questioned by the high priest. 28 “We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name,” he said. “Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man’s blood.” 29 Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings!   

Love Fulfills the Law

Paul continues by reminding them that the ultimate law is love. Though the ten commandments are inspired by God and holy, love is at the heart of carrying all of them out. All of the commands can be summed by saying, 

"Love your neighbor as yourself."

Sometimes we get caught up in minor details and issues of holiness and piety, but Jesus makes it clear that being his follower is predicated on two things, "Loving God with all that you are, and loving your neighbor as myself."

Every commandment reflects that. Would it be loving to steal from your neighbor or gossip about them? Would the most loving thing to do to your neighbor be to commit adultery with their spouse? This makes our calling pretty straightforward. When we are going to say or do something or say something to someone else, we simply have to ask, "Is this something I would want do to myself?"

It is simple in theory but difficult in practice! Why? Because are sinners who tend to put ourselves before others. To intentionally focus on and love others is the most simple and practical way to respond to what God has done for you in Christ! It is our way of life. It is the principal way we live out our discipleship to Christ! 

The Day Is Near

Paul then reminds them that they are nearer to Jesus' return then when they came to faith in Christ. That is true for us too. With every passing day, we are one day nearer for Jesus to return in great and promised glory. Since the night is almost over, and the day is almost here, we should live in the light, as He is in the light. He summarizes what it looks like to revel in the darkness by saying, 

Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy, 

God calls Christians to be different. To be in the world but not of the world. This is very challenging as we seek to connect with friends and others outside the church. If you had a previous life which was entrenched in these activities and behaviors it is easy to fall back into this mindset and participate in these kinds of behavior. 

Paul gives a strategy for those who are tempted to go back to the dark, 

Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.

Just as the decision to fall back into old behavior is a choice, so is the decision to "clothe ourselves with Jesus." Paul tells us not to think about our old desires. That is easier said than done, but it is as we clothe ourselves with Christ, that we can develop the mind of Christ. 

"The illustration is from taking off and putting on clothes. When you get dressed every day, you dress appropriately to who you are and what you plan to do. Therefore, everyday, put on the Lord Jesus Christ!" - Guzik

Make no provision for the flesh: The flesh will be as active as we allow it to be. We have a work to do in walking properly, as in the day – it isn’t as if Jesus does it for us as we sit back; instead, He does it through us as we willingly and actively partner with Him.

God used this passage to show Augustine, the great theologian of the early church, that he really could live the Christian life as empowered by the Holy Spirit – he just had to do it. And so do we.

Are you living in the flesh so to speak? Do you spend each day consciously putting on Christ? This would mean having faith in Christ, praying to Christ, living accord to His Spirit, offering you body as a living sacrifice as a response to his mercy and grace.

Like me I am sure you make a conscience decision what you are going to wear for the day. You want the colors to match. You want your attire to be appropriate for the places you will be going and the people you will be seeing. Generally speaking you want to present yourself well to those in the world without getting prideful and vain, though this will always be a temptation.                                   


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