Daily Bread 2010~~!!

Daily Bread 2010

Welcome to Daily Bread 2010. If for some reason you would no longer like to receive my emails, or prefer to just go to my Facebook or blog I can take you off the email list. Just let me know! The blog link is pastormikeandersons.blogspot.com

This year each day I am going to take fewer verses and try to drill down on them in a few paragraphs. While doing this I will often make observations about the text, author and purpose of particular book of the bible, while also closings with some ideas on how we might apply these truths to our daily lives. I hope you join me on this walk through the New Testament. I will try to cover 5 chapters per week, which will get us from Matthew to Revelation over the course of One Year! May God bless you as your hear from God and put into practice these timeless truths! Feel free to share with a friend as well!

Now for today’s reading..

Matthew 1:16-17

16 Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.
17Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Christ.

Family of Destiny

Christmas is a great time to be with family and reconnect with old friends. There is no place like home. Christmas is a time when we remember things that are central to our lives and as we go into a New Year we can recommit to things that will make a difference in all of eternity. As we begin going through the New Testament again this year, we start in Matthew’s gospel.

We don’t know for sure if this author is Matthew, the Tax Collector, who we read about in Matthew 9:9, or a disciple of Jesus who uses the name Matthew to write this first Gospel or Good News of Jesus Christ. It is important for Matthew to connect Jesus with his holy family beginning with Abraham, Issac and Jacob, to whom God first revealed himself through a covenant promise (Genesis 12 – Through you (Abraham) all nations will be blessed and your descendents will be as many as the stars in the sky!). And then also in the next 14 generations we see Jesus’ direct lineage from King David, which connects Jesus to the royal covenant, that He would be King of kings.

Passing on the faith is meant to be done through our families. But some discover faith outside their “family of origin”. You might say they have discovered their “family of destiny”. Ideally our “family of origin” will also be part of our “family of destiny”. When Jesus came back to his own people they rejected him. Sometimes this can be the case when we try to share faith in our own families.

Whether you have discovered faith through your “family of origin”, or your “family of destiny”, give thanks for those who have introduced you to Jesus. Take time this year to connect faith to your family life. Maybe it is attending church together, praying at meals, or even doing a family devotion. It is my prayer that by being in God’s Word each day you will more fully understand that God wants you to be part of the lineage that will one day be your family of destiny. And importantly as Joseph responded in faith to the important role he would play in this salvation history, may we each realize that we can play an important role in helping someone else to discover their true family of faith.

Prayer: Dear Jesus thank you for coming to this earth. Thank you for all those who represent your family of faith. May we be as faithful as Joseph to hear this Good News and be faithful to do all you have commanded us to do and be. We look forward to the day when we will meet all those who have trusted in you for eternal life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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