What Kind of Giver Are You?

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Generosity Encouraged

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
As Paul continues to teach the church at Corinth about the offering collected ofor the church in Jerusalem, he again gives several key principles for giving.  In the Old Testament, the Israelites were to give a tithe to the temple to provide for the priests, workers and upkeep for the temple. Tithing was organized on a seven year cycle.  In the seventh year, there was a Sabbath, when the ground laid fallow. The tithes in the 3rd and 6th years was called "the poor man's tithe", where the money was distributed to strangers, widows and orphans.  But the key operating principle to all of these tithes was that they were not optional, they were mandatory.  
Paul, while not disregarding the tithe, teaches the Corinthians how and why to give. First, Paul tells them to give "generously".  In tithing there is no calculation of how much to give, whereas when one has decide for themselves how much to give it causes one to make a choice.  What is generous for one person might not be for another person.  Then, Paul says when we give generously we also reap generously.  When you think about it, why do generous people always have enough to go around.  And people who "skimp" live lives of scarcity.  Stephen Covey calls this the "abundance mentality" as compared with the "scarcity mentality".  
Next, Paul talks about one's attitude in giving.  Why is this important?  Our attitude reflects "why" we are giving.  When we give to God it is a return of what was His to begin with.  When we realize all we have is from God, we can give freely.  
Finally, Paul gives us a promise.  When we give generously in gratitude to God realizing everything we have is from him, God blesses us abundantly so we can be even more generous.  We can't outgive God.  As we give generously God continues to supply us with all we need and even more.    
In summary, the last thing God needs is our money.  God will be able to sustain all the things he intends to do without our generosity.  The question is do we want to live lives of abundance and generosity, which keeps creating a bigger heart in us.  As we allow God to use us, he enlarges our heart so we give even more.  
As you think about all the principles Paul has laid out today, are living a life of generosity? Do realize you can't outgive God?  Do you operate from a "scarcity " or "abundance" mentality?  As we consider the abundant riches we have received in Christ, let's give generously, joyfully and watch how God will enlarge out capacity to be even more generous.        


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