Stay Connected to the Vine! Romans 11

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In chapter 11 Paul talks about the relationship of Israel and the Gentiles in regard to the offer of salvation God the Father has given us through God the Son. Salvation came from the Jews in the sense of God's original promise was given to Abraham, through whom all people would be blessed. Also, the promised Messiah, Jesus, came through the line of David. 

But the plan even in the Old Testament was that the Jews would be a blessing to all nations (i.e. the Gentiles). In Genesis 17 God tells Abraham that they were blessed so they could be a blessing to all nations. Paul uses the analogy of an olive tree. The natural branches he compares to Israel. They were grafted in naturally. But when Israel was disobedient they were broken off, and the Gentiles were grafted in as they came to believe in Jesus not reject him. 

Though the opportunity of the gospel came to Gentiles through the rejection of the Jews, God's plan all along was save all people. For God so loved the whole world that he gave his only Son. Jesus offer of salvation by grace through faith is given to all people. The rest of the passage warns the Gentiles that just as the Jews disobeyed God and were broken off from the tree, the Gentiles should not take their own free gift of salvation for granted. 

I don't think this is saying the Gentiles could lose their salvation, but he wants them to "continue in it" and not be arrogant about it. We are saved by grace, and we also continue live in the same grace every day. Grace is the fuel for our discipleship to Christ. At the end of the day, we are all brought into fellowship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit by God's mercy.  As Paul says, 

Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways!

Whether we were the original branches, or branches grafted in, the key to our health is staying connected to the Vine. The Vine is Jesus. This is the same language for John 15, when Jesus tells his disciples to "abide", or "remain" in him.  We continue to find our source of joy, peace, and love as we stay rooted in Christ. When we are in the Vine, we naturally bear fruit. We naturally stay connected to Jesus and want to please him. 

How do you stay connected to Jesus? The spiritual disciplines are gifts God has given to remain in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. They are the means of grace. 


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