Who or What is Controlling You? Romans 8:9-17

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At the end of chapter 7, Paul shared is own instense struggle with his sinful nature. He admits he knows the right thing to do, but the problem is that he doesn't have the power to carry it out. In fact, he not only does not do the right thing but often does the very opposite the wrong thing. He concludes saying, "What a wretched man I am!"  

How many of us have felt like this. But, in chapter 8, Paul gives the secret to living a Christ-like life and doing the things Jesus would do if he were you. He says it is all about control. Or who or what is controlling you. For a Christian there are really only two options. Are you being controlled by the sinful nature, or by the Holy Spirit? 

The sinful nature is hostile to God and rebels against God's laws. But we have the Spirit living in us, which is the Spirit of Christ. God's Spirit leads us to submit to God's will and enjoy the fellowship we share when we walk with Him.  I love what Paul says in verse 12, 

Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, you have no obligation to do what your sinful nature urges you to do. 

What does he mean? You don't HAVE to sin. It is actually a choice. Before you were a Christian, you really didn't have a choice, but now the power of Christ lives in you. Jesus was tempted in every way but never gave in. The same power that gave him the willingness to surrender his will to God is living in us. The question might be, "Are you willing to not sin, or do you prefer it?

There are many things that control us. If we lived a life of debauchery before we became a Christian, some of those sinful habits are pretty deeply ingrained. But if Christ is in you, you can put to death those sins too!  Many of our behaviors we inhabit from our family. Unhealthy emotions like guilt, shame, or anger framed our emotional being and wounded our souls. It takes time to learn how to allow Jesus to heal those experiences that were caused by the sinful nature of others around you including your family. 

Importantly, we also have received a new identity. The same Holy Spirit that can control us, also reminds us that we are children of God. Though we were born into an earthly family, we have been adopted into God's family. That's right God chose you! The Holy Spirit reminds us we are children of God. The Spirit helps us take on the family likeness, if we allow the Spirit to work in our hearts. 

In fact it is the Holy Spirit that when we pray calls out, "Abba Father". "Abba", as you probably know, is the same word for "daddy". It is out of this identity as a Child of God that we are shaped and molded as God's kids. 

Where do you struggle in your life? Do you realize you don't have to give in to those struggles? You can surrender to the power of God through the Holy Spirit who lives in you!  As you grow in childlike faith you will grow into a man or woman of God you were created to be, showing Christ like qualities like love, joy, and peace!  

It's not about trying harder, but letting go and letting God control your life! 


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