The Race

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12 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. 2 We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.

When you are running a race, you don't want to have anything extra on that will slow you down. Even if it is cold, once you start running your body heats up so you don't want to be overly weighed down. You keep only the essentials on. A light pair of running shorts, a light t shirt, socks and shoes. Even running shoes are rated based on how much they weigh. 

The author of Hebrews uses the metaphor of a race to portray the Christian life.  He points out that sin hinders us from running the race of life. As believers in Jesus, we know our sin has been paid for on the cross, but that doesn't mean it can't weigh us down and effect our performance in the race. Our sin can make the race a lot harder than it needs to be. It can even take the joy out of running the race.  

But along with throwing off the sin that so easily entangles us, the author tells us to keep our eyes focused on Jesus if we want to finish well. Whenever I ran a race whether it be a 5k, 10k, or Marathon, I couldn't wait to get to the finish line. I could put up with pain during the race knowing that the race would soon be over, and I could celebrate at the finish line with all those who ran with me.  

The finish line of the Christian life is when we die and go to heaven. As a runner focuses on the finish line, the writer of Hebrews tells us to keep our eyes on Jesus who is, "The author and perfector of faith." Jesus gave us the gift of faith. Or you could say, "He got us to the starting line"  

David Guzik writes, "One may say that Jesus is with us at the starting line and the finish line and all along the way of the race that He sets before us."

So where are you at in the race? Here are some possibilities:

1. I am not really in the race, I don't believe in Jesus. I am considering entering though.  

2. I just started the race. I just became a believer.  I am excited. 

3. I am running the race. My training is helping me to get through each mile. I am enjoying the sights along the way, and the people I am meeting out here on the course. 

4. I am running the race and have a team that is running with me. We are encouraging each other along the way. When one person starts to fall back, one of us slows down to make sure they don't give up and quit. 

5. I am hitting the wall. My legs are barely moving and I don't think I am going to finish. I am about ready to quit. I need to get some hydration and replenishment soon, or its going to be all over for me. 

6. I can see the finish line in sight. I can't wait to finish, so I can celebrate with all of my friends, who have already finished the race. 

7. I have finished the race and now am enjoying cheering people on so they can finish it too. 

Okay every analogy breaks down at some point, but the "race" metaphor for the Christian life is a really good one. 

Bottom line: Wherever you at in the race, remember that if you keep your eyes on Jesus you WILL FINISH! You will finish even if Jesus has to carry you the last mile! 

If you are not in the race, I would urge you to check it out. Don't miss out on the race of a lifetime. While the race is not always easy, it is always worth it, especially when you finish! 


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