Matthew 11 - The Easy Yoke

Click Here to Read or Listen to Matthew 11 

Jesus and the John the Baptist

Today we hear about John the Baptist again, who was in prison for not "kow towing" to King Herod and instead calling out his infidelity. So although in some sense he knew Jesus was the Messiah, he still was curious and probably needed some encouragement. Jesus told the disciples to share with him the works he was doing, which fulfilled what the Old Testament said about the Messiah. Notice the miracles he focuses on. They are for those who are "down and out" and discarded by society.  

- The blind

- The lame

- The lepers

- The deaf

- The dead

- The poor

But He also reminded them that His power would be displayed mostly in humble acts of service, meeting individual needs, and not in spectacular displays of political deliverance. - Guzik

Then we see Jesus saying that might seem a little puzzing. He says, "The least in the kingdom are greater than John." What does he mean by this? He is surely not comparing John's faith to the disciples. What he means is that though John the Baptist was a great man, he was still under the "old covenant". He was still measured by the Law. But the disciples and all who would come after him would be under "new covenant", which was brought about by Jesus' death and resurrection. 

When the disciples believed in Jesus, they would be "born again". Born of the Spirit! With the Spirit living in them, they would do the things Jesus did continuing to show others what the kingdom of God looked like. 

Woe on Unrepentant Towns

Unfortunately though Jesus did miracles in many town, some of them refused to accept him. 

"Because most of His mighty works were done in these cities, they experienced a greater light, which also required a greater accountability." - Guzik

The same might be said of people in our culture today. Those who don't yet believe have probably had many chances to see hear about Jesus and see his powerful work in people. This is why it is imperative for us to keep on sharing the Good News of Jesus' kingdom in both word and deed to those who don't yet know him.. 

The Father Revealed in the Son

In this section you will read one of the great scriptures describing who Jesus is and his heart for His people. This is definitely worthy of memorizing. 

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30

Notice the rest Jesus will give to we who are burdened is rest for our souls. Rest from the fear, anxiety, and depresssion we feel internally.  We are often weary and burdened by our sin, or the sin of others. It makes us tired and sometimes we want to give up. Not only does Jesus give us rest, but he also gives us a way to live in dependence on him. 

Though we need to pick up our cross and follow Jesus, He says his yoke is "easy" and his burden is "light". Following Jesus is actually a lot easier than following those in the world who leave you unfulfilled and empty. The term for "yoke" is for the oxen in his day who are "yoked" to the plow. If the yoke was uncomfortable or rubbed the ox the wrong way it would eventually make it really unbearable for the ox to plow. Jesus says, "My yoke is well-fitting". It is perfect for you!

I love what one of my mentors Dallas Willard said about the cost of discipleship. Although as Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote that there is a cost to discipleship, Dallas talks about the "cost of non-discipleship". When I think about my life before and after Christ, I can't imagine going back. Though my life isn't pain free today, the last 36 years of my life have given me so much joy, hope, purpose and meaning, I can't imagine if I would have missed it!

Where like John are you still looking for confirmation that Jesus is who he said he was?

Are you living in Jesus' easy yoke, or are you still trying to live life on your own? What do you think will be better for you?

What burdens are you carrying unnecessarily? How can you give them to Jesus who cares for you?


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