Matthew 8 - Jesus Begins His Public Ministry of Healing, Deliverance and Miracles!

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Right after Jesus finishes the Sermon on the Mount, he begins his public ministry. Matthew 8 records Jesus' ministry of healing, deliverance from demons, and supernatural miracles dealing with nature. You will also notice the types of people he heals, which shows the compassion God has for all people. Jesus demonstrates in this chapter God's kingdom, God's rule or reign, coming to earth as it is in heaven. 

Jesus Heals a Man With Leprosy 

As you know lepers were outcasts in Jesus' day. They were considered "unclean" and had to declare this publicly. The Jewish people had an irrational fear that if they came in contact with a leper, they might contract the disease. Note the man asks if Jesus if he is, "Willing to make him clean?" He has faith that Jesus can do it, but wonders if Jesus will do it. Jesus says, "I AM willing", and immediately his disease is healed. 

The Faith of the Centurion

A centurion was a Roman officer in charge of 100 men. This particular centurion, though a man in power, was very humble. He took a risk in approaching Jesus, and it was not just for himself but for his servant, who was suffering with paralysis. The centurion knew how power and authority were adjudicated, but he recognized a greater authority before him. The centurion is fully confident in Jesus' ability to heal his servant. He says, "Just say the word and he will be healed." He has great faith in Jesus!

Jesus praises the man's faith and even goes as far to say he has not seen such faith in Israel. This is the beginning of Jesus' judgment of his own people, especially the Jewish leaders. Though many from far off nations will sit down at the feast in heaven, some who grew up closest to Jesus will not be there. Matthew's audience is the Jewish people, which makes this teaching even more relevant. 

Jesus Heals Many

Jesus' public healing ministry continues at his disciple Peter's house. Jesus heals Peter's mother in law by merely touching her hand. This tells us that Peter was married. As word got out more and more people were brought to Jesus, and he healed them all. Also, there were those who were demon possessed, and Jesus drove out their evil spirits that afflicted them. 

Today we tend deal with the subject of the demonic in one of two ways. One, we get obsessed with the demonic realm. I have heard someone say, "We see a demon in every bush". When we focus too much on evil spirits, we play right into the devil's hand. He wants our attention and wants us to be pre-occupied with him and his activity. 

On the other hand, some churches or leaders dismiss the demonic all together. They say it is just a metaphor for evil.  But the idea that someone could really be afflicted by or possessed by demons is dismissed. To deny the real spiritual presence of the evil one, and his evil spirits denies the clear teaching of the whole New Testament. Since these details are recorded in the context of a historical narrative (not in a parable), they are not meant to be interpreted in any way but literally.  

So, on the want hand we don't want to overly focus on the evil realm, we can't neglect it, or swipe it under the carpet.  We must be "wise as serpents and innocent as doves". (Matthew 10:6). We must also realize as Paul teaches us in Ephesians, "Our battle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of this present darkness." Ephesians 6:12

The Cost of Following Jesus

As Jesus' popularity grew, people started following him. They made promises to him thinking following him would give them everything they ever wanted. But Jesus reminded them that there would be a cost to following him. They would have to make hard decisions, including possibly leaving family, and/or not being assured a place to lay their head to rest. 

Jesus Calms the Storm

Jesus' kingdom power even applied to nature. One day Jesus and in his disciples were in a boat and a furious storm came upon the water. The disciples were frantic thinking they were going to drown. Jesus rebuked the wind and the waves. This supernatural act began to show them that Jesus was no ordinary man. This miracle was reserved for his disicples, but one day he would more fully reveal his divinity to the whole world. 

Jesus Restores Two Demon-Possessed Men

Again Jesus comes in contact with two men who were controlled by the demons. They hung out among the tombs and were so violent people avoided them at all costs. Interestingly when the demons, who possessed the men, saw Jesus they recognize him as "the Son of God". They also recognize that as God, Jesus would have the power to judge them.

You can read this story in Mark 5:1-21 and Luke 8:26-40, which has more details. 

As you see this chapter entirely devoted to Jesus' healing ministry of body, mind, and soul, where do you need healing in your life? Do you believe Jesus still heals people today? How is it the same, or how is it different? Do you think the church teaches and preaches enough of the topic of evil spirits, demonic possession, and/or spiritual warfare? If not, what aspect do you think the church needs to teach more on? 


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