Keep the Faith!

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2 Timothy 4:6-8 
For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

As Paul continues to encourage Timothy to be faithful to his calling to preach the gospel, he reflects on his own life.  Paul had been through many trials and tribulations and is imprisoned as he writes this letter.  Despite his circumstances he is at peace with his life.  He says he has already been poured out like a "drink offering".  Drink offerings were things sacrificed and offered up to God and in other cases "gods".   The essence of the thing offered was drained out and given to God sacrificially.  In Jesus' case, his blood was poured out on the cross so that we might be forgiven and receive eternal life.  It is in this sense that Paul says he is already being poured out like a drink offering.  As we say today, "Paul has given it all up to God.  He is spent!"   

Then, he says he has fought the good fight.  We know his battle was not only against those who wished to do him harm, but also was against principalities and powers of this present darkness.  Satan knew the type of impact Paul was going to make as he preached the gospel, and you can be sure he wanted to take him out.  This is why Paul so often asked for their prayers of protection.  And we should do the same today.

Finally, Paul likens his life to a race.  He often referred to the races in Greek games, like the marathon run.  For Paul to finish the race was to keep the faith.  There were times when his faith was tested.  There were times where Paul wondered how God might provide for him.   There were times Paul wondered why he had to endure the "thorn in his flesh".  Paul finished the race.  He kept the faith!  

As a result of these three expressions of Paul's faithfulness to the gospel, which he was given as a free gift, he was looking forward to the crown of righteousness that Jesus would award to him on that day.   Paul used two different Greek words for the word "crown".  One meant a royal crown, and the other mean a victor's crown.  This passage uses the word that means victor's crown.   

Paul never said he was perfect.  He kept the faith and finished the race.  How would you summarize your life?  Are you fighting the good fight?  Are you running the race even when you feel like quitting?  Is your life being offered up for God?  Like Paul, as you offer your life to God, fight the good fight and keep the faith; you can be assured a crown awaits you in heaven on the day Jesus returns.   And thanks be to God that the One who calls us is faithful to us even when we are unfaithful to him.  Keep the faith! 


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