The Open Door - Colossians 4:2-6

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. 3 And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. 4 Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. 5 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
Paul uses the language of an "open door" in today's passage. He is referring to an open door for the gospel. There are times when the Holy Spirit blocked Paul from going certain places in his missionary travels. It was a closed door. For instance, when he was going back to visit the churches in Asia, the Holy Spirit blocked him from going any further. It was then and there that Paul heard the voice of the Macedonian man (Philippi) calling him to come preach and the gospel there. His preached and ministry bore much fruits including starting the churches in Philippi, Corinth and Thessalonica.
Paul's heart was always on evangelism. His strongest desire was to preach the gospel in as many places as possible, and then start churches in those places. He realized it was a spiritual battle for the hearts and lives of those who had not yet heard the gospel about Jesus. This is why he tells the Colossians to be wise in the way they act toward outsiders. He urges them that their conversation should be "seasoned with salt", meaning pleasing. Paul tells them that they should make the most of the opportunities they have to impact those outside the faith.
Do we have the same passion as Paul for the lost? Do we look for open doors to proclaim Christ clearly and passionately? Why or why not? Do we realize that each day we might have an opportunity to share Christ either in word or deed? Finally, do we pray for those who are lost and haven't heard the gospel clearly proclaimed. When God does open door make sure you go through it!
Paul's heart was always on evangelism. His strongest desire was to preach the gospel in as many places as possible, and then start churches in those places. He realized it was a spiritual battle for the hearts and lives of those who had not yet heard the gospel about Jesus. This is why he tells the Colossians to be wise in the way they act toward outsiders. He urges them that their conversation should be "seasoned with salt", meaning pleasing. Paul tells them that they should make the most of the opportunities they have to impact those outside the faith.
Do we have the same passion as Paul for the lost? Do we look for open doors to proclaim Christ clearly and passionately? Why or why not? Do we realize that each day we might have an opportunity to share Christ either in word or deed? Finally, do we pray for those who are lost and haven't heard the gospel clearly proclaimed. When God does open door make sure you go through it!
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