The Antidote to Fear and Timidity

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2 Timothy 1:5-6 

"For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline."

As we begin Paul's second letter to his protege Timothy, we see Paul's deep concern for him.  Timothy was the pastor of the church in Ephesus, one of the most strategically located churches Paul had planted.  Timothy was a younger man and had a tendency toward timidity.  We don't know exactly how it manifested itself, but Paul uses phrases like, "be strong in the grace of God in Christ Jesus." Or, "Remain strong like a soldier in battle."  This could be related to dealing with internal conflicts in the church, or from preaching the gospel where there was the threat of persecution.  The latter seems probable since Paul himself was imprisoned for preaching the gospel. 

So Paul reminds him when he laid hands on him and ordained him to the ministry.  Laying hands on a new leader has plenty of precedence in the bible.  Timothy was given the gift of the Holy Spirit, but Paul tells him to fan into flame this same Holy Spirit.  The Spirit would be the source of his courage and strength.  His fear and timidity were not of God.  They could be related to his personality type, or could be a form of spiritual warfare waged against him.  One of the devil's main tactics is to use fear to make a believer feel inadequate.  

Paul says that because we have the Spirit living in us, we have been given three great gifts.  We have been given power.  This is not the power one would use to lord it over another, but spiritual power.  The power the defeat strongholds.  This power gives one a sense of authority to speak on God's behalf.  Second, the Spirit gives us love.  First of all God's love for us.  The Spirit reminds us we are a child of God.  Our identity is based on His unconditional love for us which gives us strength.  Instead of focusing on fear and a sense of inadequacy, we focus on God's power living inside of us.  Finally, we are given "self-discipline", also translated "self control".  The Holy Spirit helps us to deny appetites that can lead to self indulgence and destructive habits.  These habits also cause fear, shame, and doubt.  Self control helps build our self esteem and gives us self confidence as we are given supernatural power to overcome these bad habits.

The key point is fear is not of God.  Of course there is healthy fear of danger, but this is a different kind of fear.  This is a paralyzing fear that prevents us from living in power and freedom of the Spirit.  Fear can lead to anxiety and depression and we see a lot of this today.  Do you live in a lot of fear and anxiety?  I have dealt with it.  This verse that God did not appoint for me a spirit of fear but of power, love and self control has been a life saver for me.  If you live your life in a lot of fear and timidity, fan into the flame the power of the Holy Spirit in your life.  We are given the Holy Spirit, but we also need to stir up it's power in our life by seeking the Spirit's help and using the great gifts He has bestowed upon us.     


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