How To Face Trials in Your Life

Image result for blessed is the one who perseveres in trials
James 1:12"
"Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him."
Today we begin the epistle of James.  Epistles are different than letters in that they are more general in nature. The New Testament letters are specifically written to specific churches and have a particular purpose.  I.e. In Galatians Paul writes to the believers in Galatia who were tempted to go back to the rite of circumcision.  There are many possible James' who could have written this book, but most scholars agree it is James, the brother of Jesus.  Many think the epistle of James is one of the earliest works of the New Testament, written as early as 55-56 A.D.  
This epistle is written to the "twelve tribes of of the diaspora".  This is a reference to Jewish Christians, who were exiled from Jerusalem and were scattered into other parts of the world.  The epistle focuses on the ethical demands of being a Christian.  Many liken it to the Wisdom literature, such as the Proverbs.  The epistle was criticized by Luther and other reformers because of its emphasis on works.  I am glad the epistle is included in the bible because there are many verses that are very helpful in the application the Christian life.  
One of those verses we see from above, "Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him."  
The trials James might have been referring to is the persecution the early church faced.  Two of the James' (son of Zebedee and son of Alphaeus) mentioned in the bible were martyred for their faith. This is why in this first chapter James mentions the crown of life will be given to the one who overcomes.  
Though not many of us consider ourselves as blessed when we go through trials, James gives several ways in which trials help us to grow stronger in our faith.  In verses 2 thru 4 of this chapter James teaches, 
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Not only should we feel blessed when we are undergoing trials, but we should also consider it joy.  What gives?  I don't think this means we should pray for trials to come into our lives.  After all the Lord's Prayer teaches us to pray, "And lead us not into tempation." But James is encouraging the believers within their trials.  Importantly, he says these trials will make you mature and complete and lacking in nothing.  
Trials lead us to maturity because they increase our reliance on the Lord.  Trials often challenge our pride that we can handle everything on our own.  Trials cause us to seek God more in prayer and also pray more intensely.  Trials help us to rely on other brothers and sisters in the body of Christ to help and encourage us.  They give other people a chance to build us up and pray for us.  Though no one would wish for trials on themselves or others, trials are a part of life. Jesus even said, "In this life you will have trials of many kinds."
The truth for us to consider today is if we persevere in our trials trusting in faith, they will make us more and complete and lacking in NOTHING! Trials help us to become mature in our faith.  Finally, we see the promise that if we rely on Christ during our trials that a crown is laid up for us in heaven.  I hope this helps you to rely on God if you are going through a trial today.  Stay strong! 


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