It's a Marathon Not A Sprint!

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12 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

We know that whenever a biblical author says, "therefore" something important is going to come next. Usually the author has made a number of statements to the audience that are the primary purpose for the letter The "therefore" then is a seque to what the audience can do with this teaching.  We commonly call this the "application" part of the passage.  The application part of bible study asks the question, "What does this passage mean to me and how am I going to apply it to my life today."    

So today the author says in light of what he said in chapters 1-11, since we are surrounded by all these great examples of faith, let us throw off the things that tempt and distract us and keep our eyes on Christ.  In the first chapters he has been urging these Jewish Christians to not go back to the Jewish Law. but to realize that Jesus is the fulfillment of the sacrificial system in the Old Testament.  His once and for all sacrifice has covered past, present and future sins.  But this doesn't mean one can go back to their sinful lifestyle because they are forgiven. In fact, he says some have lost faith completely as a result of this kind of thinking.  

Today the author urges them to run with perseverance the race set before them by fixing their eyes on Jesus, who was made perfect through his own sufferings.  By keeping their eyes on Jesus, they will also realize that Jesus not only has run the race before, but he will also help them to run and finish the race.

The Christian life is not a sprint, it is a marathon.  There will be quitting points along the way.  When Jesus was in the Garden, he was facing a major quitting point.  He asked God to take away the cup of suffering as he wasn't sure he could drink it.  But as he kept his eyes on the Father, he finished the race by offering himself as the perfect sacrifice for sins.  Now he sits at the right hand of the Father and intercedes for us.  

Friends many have gone before us and finished the race keeping their eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith.  If you have sin in your life, get rid of it.  It will only take your eyes off of Christ and it is not worth it anyways.  As we keep our eyes on Christ, we WILL finish the race.  And it will be a great victory celebration at the finish line.    


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