The Word of God

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Hebrews 4:12-13 
"For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."

The word of God, comes from the word "logos", where we get our term "logic".  I think it could be translated, "every thing that can be known about God".  Jesus became the "logos" of God, because everything Jesus did revealed who God is, He was the word made flesh.  But there is also a sense that God's word has power in and of itself.  It is living and active.  It is not a dead word, it brings things to life.  It revives.  The word "active" means efficacious.  It is not passive but it does the work of God in people.  

The word of God is also like a sword as it divides soul and spirit.  The soul is the essence of our person.  It is everything unique about us that no one but God can see.  Our spirit is that which gives us life.  Our spirit Is what connects us in relationship to God.  So there is a sense in which God's Word penetrates our inner being.  We call this "our heart" but in Jesus' day heart meant the part of us that compels us to action.  More like how we use the phrase "he's got a lot of heart" to describe someone who doesn't give up very easily.  Heart is akin to the will.  

The 66 books the bible (39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament) reveal the Word of God faithfully.  When the bible is interpreted correctly, it will never lead us astray under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Preachers and teachers of God's word seek to remain faithful to God's Word.  They don't insert their own personal agenda, or use the bible to justify their political position.  God's word speaks for itself and the pastor helps use illustrations to make it relevant for life application. 

Paul writes this passage to the Hebrews because so many of them were drifing away from the faith. They were in disobedience because they were drifting away from God's Word, just like the Israelites did in the desert, when they defied the living God.  As you hear the word, read the word, study it with others, the word of God will guide you into all truth.  It will lead you besides the streams of living water and restore your soul and through Jesus lead you to eternal life.   


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